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Sure enough, I was right. Glancing ahead, Goldar had risen, and Rita was back on her feet. The golden gargoyle resumed digging, which destroyed the Krispy Kreme building. Looks like the precinct will have to find another pastry place to pick up coffee and donuts if we all make it out alive! 

There was a blinding beam of light coming from the hole, confirming to us that it was the Zeo Crystal itself.

"Whoa!" I gaped at it as the others looked at it in astonishment.

"Come on! Let's go!" Jason hollered through the coms.

All six of us lined our Zords blocking Goldar, shielding the crystal in its resting place. Even if we went down trying, we weren't letting them get past us.

"Okay, everyone," Jason called as we positioned the Zords, "Hold the line."

The gargoyle snarled as it stomped a couple of steps toward us, not even threatened by our presence. I heard the others express that all of us got it and to brace ourselves.

"Bring it on, Goldie," I muttered as I prepared to fire the blasters.

"Crush them!" Rita roared.

Goldar made a move.

"Okay, fire!" Jason shouted and all of us started firing the blasters at the gargoyle. 

I kept my thumbs in the buttons that activated the blasters, not thinking about how tired they were getting. Goldar shoved each of the Zords toward the edge of the hole.

Kimberly landed her Zord on top of Jason's after his received a few damaging blows from the gargoyle. Goldar conjured a fireball and smacked it on the pterodactyl Zord, engulf it in flames. As Kimberly hovered, getting the flames away from the rest of us, the golden gargoyle slammed her Zord on the T-Rex Zord and bent the wings upward.

"Guys, we're sliding!" Billy exclaimed as Goldar started pushing all of us in a bunch toward the hole.

"Come on, everyone, hold the line!" Jason hollered.

The temperature rose as I kept firing at the gargoyle along with the others even as it pushed us.

"It's getting too hot, guys," Trini informed through the coms, "I don't know how much longer I can hold it." The heat was getting to her.

I was starting to feel overheated from the extreme temperature from the blaze and the crystal's hole. 

"No one dies alone," Jason assured all of us.

"I'm okay with that," Billy replied.

"So am I," I nodded and continued firing the blasters despite feeling like I was about to faint.

I heard Zack pass out from the intense heat and Trini calling out for him. Billy thanked all of us for being his friends feeling that it was our last moments alive.

"Hold on to each other," Kimberly called out.

Goldar pushed all of us into the fiery hole. What I thought was our final resting place turned into something else. The dire wolf Zord started shifting and connected with the other Zords.

We all emerged out of the pit. The Zords had formed into one gargantuan mechanism. As the smoked cleared, I noticed a massive metallic hand move a bit. The others had control of various parts of the mechanism while I was a shield attachment.

"Guys! We're alive!" Billy hollered, "We're like one big, uh...One big Zord. Like a mama Zord. No, no, no. That sounds lame. Um...A Megazord!"

"I get it," I nodded.

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