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I was suddenly back in my room laying on my bed. There was no memory of me falling asleep. Everything was eerily quiet, though it could be because Dad and Mitch were at their places of work.

Glancing at the door, which was already intact, probably Mitch managed to repair it before leaving for the auto shop, I got up to open it. I was surprised to see that it was right in town, mainly in the downtown district of Angel Grove. But everything was dead silent when normally, there was always activity happening.

Before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of the road. 

"Dig! Dig, Goldar," a spine-curdling feminine voice rasped from out of nowhere.

Glancing ahead of me there was an explosion that resulted in black smoke along with a green light. A woman with jet black hair wearing green and black and carrying a gold staff made an appearance as the blast spread and everything turned charcoal gray. I was stricken with pure horror on seeing the townsfolk having turned into ash and seeing the look as they held expressions of terror on their faces.

The woman materialized in front of me and looked like she was about to suck away my very essence, I backed away, inadvertently knocking into the cremated folks resulting them into dust.

I was jolted awake as the others, and I fell to the floor. It felt like being suffocated for some time that I was gasping for breath. 

"Sir I'm detecting elevated heart rates," Alpha 5 told Zordon, "They're very scared."

"I don't understand," Jason stood up facing the screen, "Why would you show us that nightmare?"

"It's not a nightmare," Zordon replied as the rest of us got back on our feet, "It's the future."

"Was that for real?" Kimberly wondered.

"Felt like it," Trini answered.

"And who was that woman?" I asked getting into cop mode when questioning someone.

"Her name is Rita Repulsa," Zordon answered, "She will create Goldar, a huge monster who will rip the crystal from the earth and all life on your planet will die. With the crystal Rita will have the power to create and destroy worlds."

"So let me guess," Trini jumped in, "You want us to kill this woman? Rita?"

"Ay, ay, ay! Rita," Alpha 5 shuddered which told me he and Zordon had dealt with the likes of her before.

"She must be stopped," Zordon added.

"When is she coming?" Kimberly asked.

"She's already here," Alpha 5 replied, "My best guess is we have 11 months. Oh, I'm sorry. Days, 11 days."

So, we had a week to locate the crystal and prevent Rita from reaching it.

"If we're the Power Rangers and this is our ship, if I walk through that door right now will it open for me?" Trini wondered.

"Yes of course," Zordon answered.

Trini made a run for the exit and so did the others except Jason who was still standing. Billy grabbed my arm just as Alpha 5 pleaded for the rest of us to stay a bit. 

As I got to the exit, I overheard Zordon tell Jason of how his team died defending the crystal from Rita which explained why he was in the ship's matrix. He also added that Rita had been a Ranger but had betrayed the team for more power.

From what I've gathered, everything was all true by how it was all explained. And finding the coins, gaining enhanced strength, and seeing that horrific vison of the future, it confirmed to me that there was no point in denying it all.

The rest of us waited for Jason below the floating water. I could tell some were still trying to mentally process what we had just found out. 

"You all waited," Jason saw all of us and glanced at Trini, "Even you. Who exactly are you?"

"Really? Now you're gonna ask me who I am?" Trini sassed.

"Look her name is Didi," Zack jumped in still incorrect about her name.


"She's new at school. Transferred in a month ago," Kimberly explained and turned to Trini and me at the same time, "We have English together, right?"

"I've been at Angel Grove for over a year now," Trini clarified to her, "We have Biology together. Good talk." She looked set to leave.

"Wait, look..." Jason pointed out, "None of us really know each other, okay? But somehow, we were all in the same place at the same time when Billy found those coins."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Billy interrupted him, "Can I ask a question? Are we really superheroes?" He was getting stoked about living a comic book life, "Like are more like Iron Man or Spiderman? 'Cause I feel like I been bit by a spider, but I feel really good, you know, not as..."

Billy and I've read and watch a butt load of MCU comics and movies, along with the series since being avid nerds.

"Alright, look bro, trust me," Zack jumped in cutting him off, "You're not a superhero."

"You're doin' it again, Billy," I grinned shaking my head.

"Why are you talking to us like you're the boss now?" Trini wondered at Jason.

"Hey, hold up," Kimberly spoke up, "Can any of this Rita stuff be real? Can any of it be true?"

"I don't know," Jason replied, "But I know that the answer to what's wrong with us and to what's happening to us is here."

"So, what are you saying?"

"I think we gotta come back."

The others seemed to think he was crazy. Though confirming what we learned from Zordon, I too was wanting more facts.

"I can't make you come back here," Jason continued, "But 4:00 tomorrow, I'll be here."

"Hey Jason, we don't..." Billy was about to start when the former jumped upward into the floating water splashing us. "That makes sense."

"Of course," Kimberly agreed.

"It makes sense."

"Yeah," I nodded.

"I don't know. It makes sense. I don't know why I didn't think about that one in the first place," Billy rambled.

"You're not the only one who didn't think of it first."

The rest of us left the cave in the same way we had entered in. 

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