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We carpooled in Kimberly's BMW since she was the only one in our group with a vehicle. During the route to the mine, we gazed over at the railroad tracks and saw a tow truck hauling Candace's van and the Sheriff's department surveying the scene. It was completely crushed and twisted that no one inside would've lived to tell it all. Subconsciously, I hoped Candace had good vehicle insurance because she would need a new car as soon as possible.

"Let's just keep going," Kimberly suggested as she resumed driving.

On arriving at the site of the blasted mine, Zack was already there checking out the hole in the obsidian wall, probably searching for a clue that linked with the coins, like we were.

"Find anything interesting?" Jason called out.

"If I do, I'm keeping it," Zack smirked at us.

"We know why you're here," Kimberly stated.

"Oh yeah? Did you guys wake up surprised to be alive  and jump over a house?"

"Yeah," Billy replied, "No. Kinda. Well... No. Look, we're different, all right. Everything's different."

He was prone to be specific when giving explanations. Sometimes it was annoying. There were times when I had to remind Billy that he was giving away too many details or that it wasn't necessary, to begin with.

"You're Zack, right?" Kimberly asked taking a couple of steps forward.

"Yep," Zack nodded.

"You still go to Angel Grove?" I wondered.

I sounded like Dad whenever he asked an uncomfortable question, but it was necessary especially whenever he got statements from people while on the job.

"Ha! Sometimes," Zack shrugged not wanting to tell us much.

I wondered what was going on with him unless it was some kind of issue that was happening in his own home.

"You know, the other girl was here too about an hour ago," Zack stated.

I guessed he meant Trini.

"You mean that girl right there?" Billy asked pointing up.

Trini was looking down from on top of the edge.

"Hey," Jason shouted, "Come on down! We should figure this out together!"

Trini took a step back as he walked in her direction and then sprinted away. She started climbing on one of the boulders rapidly as if she were SpiderGwen.

"Whoa!" I gaped.

"Oh, screw this," Zack smiled and ran after Trini.

"Okay, let me handle this," Kimberly suggested and ran back a bit trying to get a running start.

"She got up there pretty fast," Billy pointed out.

"We know," I nodded at him, "We all saw it."

"No, no, no!" Jason turned to Kimberly who took off running and sprinted over the ledge with a giant leap, making it over to the other side and caught up with Zack.

Jason, Billy, and I managed to jump over to the other side and catch up with the others. Kimberly and Zack had managed to catch up with Trini near a cliffside that had a deep chasm.

"Just talk to me," Kimberly told Trini, "You have a coin. We have a coin. We should just talk about this. I mean, we don't know what this..."

She was cut off when Trini suddenly ran and jumped over the edge, landing on the other side of the cliff.

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