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Later, when Saturday detention ended, Dad was waiting out in the parking lot. As I met up with him, I noticed Kimberly's parents freaking out at her new hairdo.

"How'd it go?" Dad asked as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Couldn't be better," I replied as he started driving.

"Did anything exciting happen today?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "Colt harassed Billy again. I told the dipwad twice to leave him alone."

Dad gave me a look that told me that the school should be looking into the bullying problem. Other than that, an expression that told me that he was proud of how I've always stood up for Billy. Dad always liked Billy and became a father figure to him after Mr. Cranston died.

"Next thing, Jason Scott jumped in and got Colt to back off," I added.

"Good to know," Dad smiled knowing there were some good people who look out for the underdogs and that I wasn't the only one who had Billy's back.

"Don't worry Dad, Jason isn't my type. Besides, I'm not looking or anything. If I were to hang out with the likes of him, it'd be just friends, like Billy and me."

"That's a big relief. But I already know that one Aspen. It's best to focus on finishing up your education before deciding on what you want to do."

Usually, I'd hang around the local library after school, but since it was Saturday, the library closed early. So, Dad dropped me off at home before heading back to the station.

As I got in the house, Mitch ordered a large pizza for dinner through his phone which arrived a few minutes later. My brother asked about my day and I explained some of the events to him. Like Dad, Mitch too liked Billy and has been somewhat of a big brother to him.

Later after dinner and cleaning up and leaving the leftover pizza slices for Dad, I felt the need to get out for a walk after sitting in detention for most of the day. So I let Mitch know what I was up to before leaving and that I'd be back before it got late. Even though it was a weekend, we were allowed to stay up longer.

I trekked by the quarry since we lived on the other side of the mountain. I sometimes hike up the trails on weekends. On occasions, when Dad wasn't on call, he'd hike with Mitch and me. Whenever I walked solo, I'd plug in my earphones and have a playlist streaming through.

I was halfway home when there was an explosion in the mine area. I unplugged my earbuds once the noise occurred. Next, there was a familiar scream. Billy! I knew he had been going into the quarry for several years. He'd told me before that he and his dad had been on the verge of discovering something extraordinary. So I took off running, hoping that my best friend didn't get himself hurt.

Just as I approached a ledge, a girl who I recognized as Trini Kwan arrived at the same moment as me. Like me, Trini kept to herself at school. She didn't mind me lingering around her as we were both a couple of loners. Plus, we had a few classes together.

"Hey!" I yelled down below on seeing Billy along with Jason and Kimberly including Zack Taylor, some guy who often skipped school for some reason. On noticing Billy, he looked like he had the wind knocked out of him, but was okay.

"You guys looking to get busted or something? This place is a restricted area!" Trini called out.

"Oh, really Einstein? Restricted? As in we shouldn't be standing on crazy rocks doing Karate Kid moves, right?" Zack asked smirking at her.

Just then, a deep rumbling sound occurred. Billy approached the wall to investigate while Jason, Kim, Zack, and Trini didn't even hear. Even though I didn't hear it, I felt it with my feet as if it were a minor earthquake.

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