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Capital City of Gkoria Secundus, Tsew-Tsae

The sound of sirens can be heard across the city, followed by the sound stampede of fleeing civilians, and gunshots in the ensuing city-wide firefight, no matter how much one can search for a safe area where the violence has not reached, it will be a matter of time before the battle between the Cultist and Loyalist forces devoured every corner of the city, and with the arrival of new batch reinforcements by both side, the battle and by extension, the war, has no clear sign of stopping.

The sights of the banners of Chaos sprung out from the corpse of cultists, Imperial soldiers getting mowed down heavily, and bodies of dead civilians found in every street, the planet's permanent rain doesn't help make it much less grim, but the most notable of things is the Ghost Battle between the Alpha Legion warband known as the Vainful Loath and The Raven Guard Successor Chapter known as the Ender Angels, with both killing each other in the back and front, via stealth warfare, ambush, espionage, or by direct contact, both being trapped in a tail chase, that they almost forgot that they are in a battle due to how too focused they are to kill each other off.

Somewhere in the city's southern district, Third Person POV

High Captain Uran Re'khau, Chapter Master of the Ender Angels is currently leading an attack to take the cultist stronghold; at his disposal are the 165th Gkorian Troopers and the newly arrived Ender Angels 1st and 4th Company against legions of cultists who had held the stronghold.

The stronghold is a massive military complex guarded with 3 giant walls, which is now served as the cultist's main base of operation, and as the singular sign of their dominance in the city, the loyalist start targeting the stronghold once the news of a portal is currently in construction and the sudden influx of alpha legionnaire guarding the stronghold, and by the rampant psychic energy that keeps roaring out of the stronghold.

The Cultists manage to hold the Stronghold for a while now with the aid of the Alpha Legion, but with the arrival of Ender Angels 1st and 4th Company, the defenders are slowly losing their ground, in a week, the outer walls were overrun, and by the next, the second defense was caught wind with Alpha Legion and Ender Angels ghost wars and was overrun in due to confusion and disarray and now, one more wall is left before the Stronghold and its defenders or what's left of it is crushed, but before another advance can be an issued, the wall's gate needs to be disabled, High Captain Re'khau sent a stealth squad consisting of Lieutenant Qija Aaver, Sergeant Fin Wirast, Sergeant Zivnaft Eterian, and Captain Arlesk Kamenex, to infiltrate the stronghold.

Arlesk Kamenex POV

As my squad sneaks around yet another patrol squad, we make our way to the control room, we are only a few more colliders away from the control room, and while we are on a slow advance, we got a glimpse of the Cultist in their dire state, some wanting to desert and getting killed instantly by commissar-like enforcers, while others looked like they preparing a mutiny, and honesty, if we are to leave them, they will eventually kill themselves off, but that won't be the case if the Alpha Legion is still in the picture.

As we are outside the control, we quickly hid as soon a squad of around 7 alpha legionnaires led by a terminator enters the room, we waited until they leave but as soon the doors opened, only the terminator and 1 other legionnaire left, the rest are in the room.

"Only 2 have left the room. What are your orders, captain?" Sergeant Wirast asked.

"Prepare, we have to make this quick," I answered as I hold firm on the combat shield I recover from a dead legionnaire.

As we draw our breath and readied ourselves, Wirast pull the pin of his grenade and throw it in the room as soon as Aaver open the door. The explosion sounded throughout the whole room and we enter, we blaze out our stalker bolter, and using the shield I'm holding as cover, we manage killed 2 alpha legionnaires by surprise, Eterian charged toward an alpha legionnaire with his chainsword, engaged in melee combat while the rest quickly opened fire on the last 2 alpha legionnaires, killing the last 2 effectively and as we look at Eterian, he was standing tall against a dead legionnaire.

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