[EP.8] Annaleise's Troubles

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Back at the Village, Annaleise was preparing a prayer as she organized a group of candles at the window. As she looked outside she saw a group of village guards practicing with the new weapons that Arlesk had provided them early on in the morning. She pays attention back at the candles, they are equally spaced, and she adds a silver token with a green emerald engraved in its middle between the gaps left with the candles.

She kneeled, both her hands clasped onto each other as she cited her prayers

"Oh Merciful Star Mother, I please an answer, I please this worship. Spare Hanteghyen of his suffering to join you in the stars of the outer ocean. I submit it to you. O Beloved Star Mother..."

She shed a tear as she was done praying, It has been a while since her husband has passed and she is not fully coping with her loss. She gently got up and extinguished the candles one by one as the last light of the candles was extinguished, Arlesk and Eilsha arrived home.

"Mom, we're back," Eilsha said as she entered through the front door, and waited for Arlesk

"We have returned." Arlesk declared as he shifted his body to get through the door.

"Welcome home you two," Annaleise greeted them with a wave, She looked at Arlesk and said, "Well, you look like you went on an adventure."

Eilsha giggled and answered, "Well, there was an interesting interaction that somehow got him involved in one of my quests."

Annaleise smiles warmly and nods, "You must be hungry, Here let me ready some food for you."

Eilsha motions her hand and shakes her head, "Don't worry Mom, we already had lunch. Right, Arlesk?"

"Indeed," Arlesk answered as he removed his Helmet, feeling comfortable to show his face to Eilsha and her mother.

"Oh, you and your fancy words." Eilsha commented before looking back to her mother, "It's been a long day, so I'll take a bath first."

Eilsha's mother nodded and Eilsha entered the bathing room.

Annaleise turned to Arlesk as he removed his armor ornaments, "So how was it?"

"Hmm..." Arlesk hums before looking back at Annaleise, "Quite... eventful."

"Oh?" Annaleise tilts her head, "Care to retell it?"

"Maybe next time, Ms. Hasverio."

Eilsha's mother sighs before shaking her head as she sits by a nearby chair, "Not very talkative, are you?"

"Sometimes I am not, but to put it noteworthy, I met someone... I feel conflicted."

"Do you... want to talk about it?"

"I do..." Arlesk crouched and looked at Annaleise, "Ms. Hasverio. If you meet someone, someone that cannot trust, someone that-"

Arlesk stopped for a moment, before continuing, "Someone... who is evil but at the same time..."

Annaleise can sense that Arlesk is struggling with his wording, she leans from her chair and pats Arlesk on his pauldron, "Take it easy and slowly."

Arlesk nodded before finally speaking once more, "Someone, I cannot trust, but at the same time, I want to."

Annaleise leans right back in her chair, "Is there a problem with this, 'someone'?"

Arlesk nodded and sighed, "It's complicated, it's a feud that has happened for all over the epochs now."

"Oh dear," Annaleise exclaimed before she sighed in disappointment, "Have you tried to forgive, him?"

"Forgave him?!" Arlesk exclaimed, "A member of his kind is deserving of those in the dirt!"

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