[EP.2] A Friend and Allies

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Ajax Third-Person POV

After walking for 2 hours, Ajax has been wandering in the forest looking for a place to stay since the sun is going down, while still thinking about what he should do in this new life, he has been considering being a lumberjack or a blacksmith, but he ultimately chooses to become a farmer, sure he has a lot of work and responsibility in hand, but he doesn't seem to qualify for the last 2 option, so the farming life seems to be the best and besides, he's a Space Marine he could achieve more efficiently than a regular farmer. 

After a while of thinking about his plans for the future, he decided to rest on a fallen log on the ground while contemplating what happened earlier with Arlesk.

"I still have no clue about Arlesk's answer on whether he let me live or not, leaving only the nothingness of silence doesn't answer anything, if anything it only just leaves paranoid thoughts inside my head. Do all scions of Corax have this knack for secretiveness, or is it just a ridiculous act of stoicism?" Ajax said to himself before letting out a sigh. 

After a few more minutes, he gets up and finishes his rest, and continues to wander the forest while avoiding heavily shadowed areas, still on edge thinking that Arlesk may be in one of those.

Meanwhile at the same time, Near the cave

Arlesk Kamenex Third-Person POV

"WHAT HAVE I DONE!" Arlesk rage out as he punches a nearby tree. "DID I JUST LET A TRAITOR GO JUST LIKE THAT!?"

"Holy throne, what have I done..." Arlesk disgusted with himself fumbled to the ground in defeat in letting his intrusive belief defeat his duties as a space marine.

Arlesk is in a constant battle in-between following his father's humble ideals or the imperium's harsh righteousness, two traits in his personality that he is unable to establish which one he should continue to bear.

"I should kill him." he proclaimed multiple times to himself but can't bring himself to do it, otherwise Ajax would already be dead by now.

A bird flies overhead and landed on the branch of the tree that Arlesk punch, the bird is clad in black feathers, with eyes that sharp it could penetrate his armor, not to mention that unsettling aura that the bird unleashes, judgement is radiating from that bird alone, and Arlesk is graced by its presence, it is the iconic raven, and it looked through Arlesk's helmet and into his soul.

 "Oh father," Arlesk said to the raven, "Have I made the right choice, does freeing a man who has long enchained outweigh the identity of a traitor?"

"I have long been thankful for the mercy you brought upon us in the Days of the Culling, the second chance you gave us is all but a blissful gift. We have vowed to make it up for your benevolence, we followed your teachings, uphold your wish, and slain tyrants in your name. I reenacted the deeds I have done in the hundreds of times, yet why do I keep struggling to comprehend on the conclusion of my effort, still having this urge that reminds me that it isn't enough."

Arlesk looked up at the raven straight in the sharp and judgmental eyes and said "Have I succeeded or have I failed you," with a regretful and desperate tone as he kneeled crashing on the ground. "Please give me a way to repent for what I have done."

The raven looked at Arlesk with melancholy until it gawks at him before taking flight, Arlesk locked eyes on it as it flies away, and there Arlesk saw a cloud of black smoke coming from where the raven is heading, he has his answer then he cocks his bolter and is sprinting to where the smoke is coming from.

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