[EP.7] The Raven fought with the Hydra

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The Marines scour through the caves, killing greenskins on their way to find a way out. They independently differ from each other, they rest up for a while, still not wanting to talk to each other.

"How many magazines are you left with?" Ajax finally asks.

"2 left," Arlesk answered.

"Use it wisely, our chainweapons should be enough" 

They return to be quiet for another few seconds before Ajax asked.

"So about the Eldar-"

"What about her?" Arlesk replied with his plasma pistol raised at him.

"Nothing, it's just you Ender Angels are my least expected chapters to be tolerating Xenos."

"She's an Adhuman."

"She's an Eldar. An Alie-"

"Adhuman, no more of it," Arlesk said as he aim the plasma pistol closer.

"Sure, whatever you say," Ajax replied.

After a few seconds went by, Arlesk still hasn't lowered his plasma pistol.

"You can lower it now."

"No, I don't think I will."

"You still don't trust me, do you?"

"You're an Alpha Legionnaire, trusting you is a mistake."

"What can I do to prove to you that I longer bear the rawness of the renegades, traitors, or chaos?"

"I... don't know."

"Exactly, there is no way for you to know. Sure, I don't blame you for your lack of trust in me. But what in the warp do you think I should do to prove to you?"

Arlesk stays silent as his plasma pistol is still aimed.

"Just give me a chance... Please."

Arlesk is still silent, his plasma pistol still raised and aimed at Ajax. Frustrated, Ajax let out "What more do you want? Can't you see? I'm free, I am no longer enchained by anyone, even you, you're free too. The Imperium, Chaos has no grip on us, look, just look, where is the imperial war machine that ravages a thousand worlds? Where is the bitterness that corrupted millions of lives? None. There's none here. Face it, Kamenex, if both are not here, then what hope do we have to come back? You are finally free, for who knows how long, for the liberation that you brought, now you have been liberated as well. We are free,"

Arlesk is drifting in his thought as Ajax ends his rant, though how much he wants back, how much he denies this, how much he wants to kill Ajax, in the end, he has no reason to refuse this no matter much he tries to resist it. He is free, and he can't comprehend it. After a few more seconds, he draws down his Plasma Pistol, and extends his hand, "Arlesk Kamenex,"

Confused, Ajax said, "I already know your name," to Arlesk still waiting for his hand.

Ajax sigh before shaking his hand "Ajax,"

Arlesk nod, saying "We best get moving then,"

"Does that mean you trust me?"

Arlesk doesn't answer only saying "Ask that for later, Come on," as he ushers him to catch up.

"... Will do."

And so the Marines continue their journey onward to find a way back to the surface.

Kyron Arivetoff Third-Person POV

The others are awaiting the Marines to return, Kyron and Eilsha stand amidst the cave entrance while Irand, Valentine, Yures, and Nevettali wait aside while looking outside.

The Raven travels With The Hydra - Warhammer 40k Isekai StoryWhere stories live. Discover now