[EP.1] Into the new world

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Arlesk Kamenex POV

As a slowly open my eyes, I found myself in a dark room, I am accompanied by the sounds of raining ambiance head above, and was met by an Alpha Legionnaire in Terminator armor laying on the wall which spooks me and triggered me to draw my bolter but I wouldn't fire any shots until upon closer inspection I realized that the legionnaire is dead. As I lift the legionnaire's helmet, his head fell revealing a crude cutting left on the neck, the cut was made very recently since the blood is still pouring out.

I looked around my environment and found a chainaxe, a trail of blood, and three sets of footprints, one bigger than the other, clearly belonging to a space marine and assumably another Terminator, I readied my bolter and pick up the chainaxe and soon head-out following the trail whilst wraith-slip into the shadow.

A few minutes earlier
Unknown POV.

As I woke up from the fall, I found myself in what seemed to be a cave. 'It works.' I said to myself 'It works... FINALLY, I AM-' Before I can end my sentence I was greeted by my squad leader who had just woken up from the ground. 'Shit, I need to act my way out', I remain calm and acted confused.

"Alphar- Groans what did you do?" He asked.

"I don't know," I answered while picking up the chainaxe I brought "The chainaxe from that Khornate berserker must have gotten the better of me."

"Unacceptable, once we get back I will have you punished severely." He said angrily "And leave that chainaxe behind."

'Whatever, taking you out would be easy, I just need you to remove your helmet.' I said to myself.

I watch as my squad leader attends to a fellow legionnaire leaning on the wall, and after a brief check-up, he raises his arm gesturing I should follow him.

I obeyed and followed him, we made our way out of the cave following the stream of water upward and eventually reaching the surface.

"Huh, this doesn't seem like Gkoria Sucundus." Said, my squad leader.

"No, a feudal world perhaps?" I answered while removing my helmet. "But, what is this smell, this aroma is so delightful."

"You are committing a violation, wear your helmet, Now." He said as he walk past me.

"Just let me breathe this sweet smell a bit longer," I answered still heavily inhaling the air.

As he got more and more curious he too remove his helmet.

"Hmm? This just smells like unpolluted air-"


I quickly fired bolter rounds straight at his head as soon as he turned to me without his head protection, He fumbled dead to the ground.

I sprint back to the cave we came from and return to the unconscious legionnaire.

"This will do." As I pick up a chainsword.

The chainsword is raised and I plunged into his neck.

Without any thought left, I return to the surface to my squad leader's dead body.

"I am free, I no longer serve you, the warband, my brothers, nor the legion at large. You can burn like the rest of memories, for I am now freed." I futilely said to the dead and go outside the cave I remove my helmet and gear, dropping them to the ground.

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