[EP.5.2] To know them better

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Ajax is currently in the guild's cafeteria eating his breakfast, as the chairs quickly break every time he sits, he crouched down and as he continued to eat, he was disrupted by another group of Adventurers who is begging him to join.

"C'mon, please join us, we have a greater rating than these amateurs, we are in current need of a knight like you." The Party leader asks.

"I already made up my mind. Now, don't bother me, my meal is getting cold."

"Oh come on!" He slams the table, "What is it that they have that we don't?!" 

Ajax stands up, looked at the party leader in the eyes, while his height intimidates the others, and said "Do I need to repeat myself when I said "Don't bother me"?"

The Adventurers backed off, and the party leader said "Whatever, its your lost, go visit us when you got bored of them." as they walked away. 

"Pathetic Mortals." He murmured as he crouch back down.

As all of this unfolded, Nevetalli saw this and approach Ajax at his table who continued eating.

"Good morning, Sir Ajax." She greeted him as put her meal on the table."


"What are you having?"

"Whatever this is." He answered while showing his meal.

"Ah, porkchop. quite an expensive one."

"It is?" As he looked back at his meal and then continued to eat it without continuing the conversation."

Nevetalli notices his helmet is on the table and then darts to his face, he is bald with green eyes and a tattoo of a serpent creeping to his left eye. Slightly intimidated she muster enough courage to speak.

"I've been meaning to ask you, why do you insist pick our party to join, we are on the brink of disbanding, and not that popular, why?"

"Because yours is the only one that is different from the others."

"What do you mean?"

"Firstly, the organization that is referred to as "The Knights" is recruiting people, notably adventurers into their rank, they can be recruited in droves if their party is noticeably powerful or is it because of a particular member. Secondly, I am not here to help anyone unqualified to join their ranks because of me solely, I just want out and be ready to retire. Lastly, I am not interested."

"Wow," She drops her spoon on the table, "Sir Ajax, I never thought you were so noble!"

"Sorry?" He looked at her with confusion.

She just smiled sweetly as she continued eating, meanwhile, Ajax is still confused and frustrated.

'Why in the warp does anyone think leaving the nothingness of silence as an answer is a viable choice, who came out with this shit?' He thinks to himself frustrated.

"You don't want to join another party because you're afraid they might get hurt if you drag them with you, you don't want them being felt betrayed by not bringing them along with you." She said with spirited adoration, she looked at him and ask "Am I right?"

"Yes," He lied, none of what she said is true, and he slightly understand what she just said but he rather goes with that than reveal his true intentions.

He could care less about anyone, he could have joined another party and seen them die and he wouldn't care, he saw many of the people he work with died, the ones who would regularly referred to as his brothers he simply called acquaintances.

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