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"And fold it like... This." Axel carefully folded the paper, slowly enough for Levi to copy the motion. 

"Now I have a pwetty flower for my bees!!" Levi exclaimed happily, gently tapping each of his 7 origami bees. He smiled and hugged Axel, "Tank you, Ax!"

"Of course," Axel welcomed Levi with a smile, "Oh! I forgot to ask... How did applying for that job you wanted go?"

"Oh, I got the job!" Levi exclaimed happily, "I'm gonna be a proof reader for novels!"

"How interesting!" Axel got up off the floor and walked into the nearby kitchen. Levi got up and followed him like a little duckling. Levi watched as Axel got out some cocoa powder, the sugar jar, and the box of smooth oat milk.

"Hot cocoa!!" Levi exclaimed in excitement, running to the living room to gather up his bees in his two hands.

"Because you did such a good job getting that job! I know you're going to do a great job working!" Axel smiled and started up the cocoa.

Later the two drunk cocoa together, it was warm outside, but they didn't care. A treat is always nice.


Axel slept in his bed silently while Levi crept in through the door. He was so scared of the loud booms of thunder happening. Levi clenched his sleepy teddy to his chest and stood next to Axel's side of the bed.

Long growling boom

"Eep!" Levi fell to the floor when his knees gave out.

Axel heard the commotion and opened his eyes to see poor little Levi on the floor covering his face and sobbing. His teddy laid flat next to him unattended.

"Levi, Bubba, come here baby." Axel scooted back and let Levi crawl up under his blanket. Levi clutched to Axel tightly. Finally being able to sleep knowing he was safe with Axel.

bubba (Agere story!)Where stories live. Discover now