Chapter twenty three: a month is not a week

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"I had one teacher. One fucking teacher in my whole school life that supported me. One fucking soul that thought maybe I should look past this child's past and issues and maybe I could support them. Do you have a fucking clue what the feels like to feel like you are everyone's problem. When you belittle someone to the point you have it makes them question whether it's worth living, no matter the age my first attempt I was nine." I yelled at the recruits.

They just stared blankly as if they had no idea why I was yelling at them.

"If one of you fucker touches Ace again kiss goodbye to your life I have given you too many warnings. Leonard has even warned you. This is your last chance and you better not fucking waste it." I yelled before leaving the room finding Ace in Leonard's office.

"Ace..." I muttered as I walked in, seconds later he is clinging to me crying.

"Hey, bud it's okay they aren't going to dare to hurt you and you are going to come live with us anyway if my brothers have a problem then we will go live at Ajax's place. How does that sound?" I asked him trying to sound calm and collected.

He didn't respond verbally just nodded into my neck where he had nestled his head a long time ago.

Time skip a month later
It was been a month Ajax left on a week long mission.

It's safe to say I am fucking pissed and so incredibly scared like where the heck is he.

I have been on edge since Ajax left but this is becoming harder to bear.

I haven't slept, I stopped working on my photography business, and I no longer had the inspiration or the effort to try.

I hadn't been able to sleep since the day after Ajax left, my body is somehow running on no hours of sleep and about two monster energy drinks a day.

The worst part is since Ajax has left it's been thirty days which means I have drank sixty energy drinks.

My body shakes every movement I make it's from the caffeine and my anxiety which since I have had no updates from my boyfriend in a month has just got worse.

Me and Ace were relaxing in his room with bandit at home when all of a sudden someone barged in.

"Have you ever heard of knocking!" I snap at the intruder at this point it wouldn't shock me if someone tried to murder me and I wouldn't care.

I feel so incredibly lost, alone and scared.

"I expected to be welcomed more warmly but would you like me to leave and knock." I heard the voice I had wanted to hear all month.

"AJAX!" I exclaimed launching myself into his arms.

"Jackass I thought something was seriously wrong with you!" I said hitting him to make my point.

Third person pov
"Okay I deserved that, I am sorry for not telling you i was going to be longer that expected but I have a good reason. Someone shot me and my phone saved me so there is a bullet hole in my phone and I was to busy to get a new one I am sorry." Ajax apologised genuinely feeling guilty about the toll it had taken on his girlfriend.

It was clear she hadn't slept in a while and based on the way her hands were shaking she was running on anxiety and caffeine.

Ace didn't look much better his face was sullen and his cheekbones stuck out more than they used to.

"Okay you two how about we all go to Ximena's room have a nice nap, then when we are all a bit more rested, and awake we can go get ourselves some food." Ajax reasoned with his girlfriend and their adopted person.

The three of them trailed hand in hand to Ximena's room which looked as if it hadn't been lived in for quite sometime.

Ajax laid in the middle of Ximena's king sized bed waiting for his little family to get comfortable so they could all sleep.

Eventually he felt two bodies curl into him, one being Ace's warm body and the other was Ximena's trembling body.

To Ajax it was quite obvious that his girlfriend had become dependent on energy drinks to function and the tremors were a side effect of that.

Lorenzo's pov
Since Ajax had left a month ago Ximena hadn't taken care of herself at all instead she initially dove head first into work after about five days she had burnt out so badly she didn't have the energy to do anything about it.

Because Ximena had lost all motivation, Ace did the same the two were running on what little sleep they had had before Ajax leaving and however much caffeine they had pumped there body with.

I poked my head into Ace's room where I would often find the two talking about fighting techniques or just sitting with each other like their presence was enough of a reminder that they were alive.

I was shocked to see that neither of them where there.

I panicked for a minute of two before deciding to check the other rooms around.

The last room to check was Ximena's and I thought there was no chance they would be there.

So what I saw completely shocked me.

I looked in the door which was wide open to see Ajax in the middle of the bed with Ximena curled into him on one side and on the other was Ace who was clinging to Ajax's arm like a koala in his sleep.

I took a picture to send to Ximena once they were all awake.

I was so happy the Ajax was back because no matter how hard we had tried no one had been able to get those two to sleep, eat or even just drink some water.

"The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one."

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