Arc 1: Titans Arc

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A1.1: Meteoric Encounter

One night, a meteor fell from the sky. Some said it was destiny, others felt like it was a coincidence. But, for Samuel Takahashi, it was the chance of his lifetime. 

15 years after the Operation D.A.M. incident, the future has changed drastically. Humans started leaving Earth to live in space colonies and the rest was history! Here, Space Schools are prestigious everywhere. Now, we are introduced to 3 young teens who met by chance: Samuel Takahashi, Misaka Lee Kazashiro, and Owen James. And, they enrolled in Anaheim Academy.

During class, Sam notices a girl looking at the view from the space colony and rushes to save her. Then, Sam sees that the girl he saved is an angel-like Titan who warns him of a war coming and offers him his help.

A1.2: An Angel From The Sky

The girl Sam saved introduced herself as Hikari Yanagi AKA Kyrie and told him about the events of Operation D.A.M. and how so many people suffered. So, Sam decides to help Hikari to prevent this war. the, her captors appear and Sam fends them off. Then, Takeru Norimura AKA Neros helps them escape. They meet his advisor, Carson Takahashi. Carson tells him to leave and find "the one named Zone" while he has a chat with Hikari and T.K. Then, an organization composed of aliens and humans, led by an Alien Mephilas named Mordred appears.

A1.3: The Meteor Hero: Zone

On Space Colony Pax, a war between the Universal Defense Force and the Alien Alliance is breaking out, and with Sam back with Owen and Misaka, things might get worse. Meanwhile, the UDF soldiers and Renegade soldiers, even the Angels are racing to find the meteor. But, Sam wanders off again and finds Carson Takahashi working on the Meteor, confronting him. Carson explains his heritage to Sam before entrusting the meteor rock to him and dying in a blaze of glory. A distraught Sam, now believing that Carson was his biological father, sees his meteor rock turn into the Z-Emblem, so he was visited by an entity named "Zone" who requests his resolve. Now that Sam gained the resolve needed to use the Z-Emblem and move forward, Zone merges with Sam and he becomes the Meteor Hero: Zone Fighter! Zone Fighter pushes the enemy mech out and challenges it to a battle.

A1.4: A Challenge from the Black General

Transformed into Zone Fighter, Sam faces the enemy mech with sheer force. Anyone watching the fight is in awe over Zone Fighter being what's called a "Titan". After the enemy mech retreats from battle, Zone reverted to a ball of light to avoid exposure. The ball of light was transported to Ship Eden, where the ball of light reverted back to an unconscious Sam, shocking everyone. The crewmembers and Sam's friends were told to keep the identity of Zone Fighter a secret. Then, another giant swoops in and attacks Eden. It's most likely that of a Titan named Myotis.

A1.5: A Meeting with Mikhail Dredd

Zone Fighter and Myotis do battle, but Myotis has the upper hand. The Quad-Wing Mech returns and captures Zone. After Hikari reveals herself to be an Angel, Francis Sherwood thinks back to the days of Operation D.A.M. and wonders if she's part of this war. Instead, he lets her go free, but Misaka suspects something. Sam wakes up in a mansion where he meets Mikhail Dredd and has a conversation with him. But, his subordinate Ezra Gray hates how he became Zone Fighter. Then, the pilot, Marida, takes Sam to where he meets a family. Francis and Hikari run away to Earth.

A1.6: MUTO

15 Years later, the Earth is at peace after Operation D.A.M. and the Bagan incident. Mark Goodwin formed his own company, Goodwin Industries. Alice Weeds retires from TV reporting after years of service, is married to Mark, and has a daughter and son. And, as for his little sister, Megan, she becomes the author of her book, Humanity + Kaiju. Also, Aaron Hobbes has left town to travel the world. Mikayla Ackerman also travels with Aaron. The rest of G-Force went their separate ways. Also, Neo Ancient and Trinity Monster were also given amnesty, granting them freedom, and Godzilla, we haven't seen him and the others since he and Mark parted ways. Then, a new unknown Kaiju appears.

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