Arc 5: Necro-Kaiju Arc

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Based on the story of Necrotherius

A5.1: New Plans for MONARCH

MONARCH has new plans for the Titans since Mark's last battle as Godzilla against Bagan, so they enlist 2 recurring scientists from the GDF, Mick Boomer and Zoe Hayes. As Mick and Zoe work on some help, more Aliens started working in secret on Earth to support Mark's cause. An Alien Makindo named Nier works as a delivery boy, An Alien Magma works as a mechanic under the name of Makura, and 2 Aliens worked as caretakers for Monster Island's Kaiju. Meanwhile, Neo G-Force is getting its own dorm rooms, starting with the boys and the girls. Then, Sam and Maddie have a heart-to-heart about the new adventures they'll have before Owen calls them out for dinner.

A5.2: Alicia Brody

It seems that MONARCH, the cryptozoological organization for protecting Kaiju and Titans, has a new member, 20-year-old Alicia Brody. And, she's given a special mission: infiltrate Neo G-Force, get close to Madison Goodwin and Samuel Takahashi, and report to base.

Alicia: "My name is Alicia Brody. Although you may know me as the niece of the late Ford Brody, turns out, I have a job at MONARCH, and it's gonna be awesome!"

As soon as she walks through the front door, Alicia introduces herself as Maddie's bestie and Maddie is excited to see his bestie again. The others get to meet Alicia, except for Caesar, who doesn't trust her one bit. 

(doorbell ringing)

Madison: "Who is it?"

(A tall girl wearing a pink and black-striped dress holding a suitcase appears before Madison)

Alicia: "Greetings, Neo G-Force, and Madison Goodwin. Also, hey there, Bestie!!!!"

Madison: "Alicia?!"

Somewhere in space, a black meteorite falls from the sky and into the Pacific Ocean, and what's going to awaken will bring disaster to the Earth once again.

A5.3: Dawn of the Dead Kaiju

Alicia asks the gang to start Movie Night since her favorite movie genre is "Zombie Movies" and after seeing a bunch of zombie flicks, everyone's pretty much scared outta their minds, except for Alicia, Maddie, Sam, Seabook, and Caesar since that didn't impress him. But, Owen, Max, and Misaka are.

Alicia: "Hard-freakin'-core!"

Meanwhile, the black meteorite has a virus that reanimates dead Kaiju into a zombie-like monster called a "Necro-Kaiju". And, it looks like one of them has arrived. The GDF has spotted a Kaiju never seen before and they start to attack, but their weapon hardly did anything to stop the Necro-Kaiju. Then, Alicia gets a call from MONARCH's Mick who says that they are attacked by what seems to be an unknown Kaiju.

A5.4: 99 Zombies

Alicia gets word of the Necro-Kaiju terrorizing the MONARCH base and informs Madison that the "Giant Zombies" dream she had become real. Sam wants Alicia to escape too. But, she wants everyone in Monster House to evacuate too. Meanwhile, Cameron Winters meets Mark Goodwin after the Monster Hunt Arc. He warns him of those who might threaten him, and those around him, especially the Boy with the Meteor Force. As Neo G-Force heads to MONARCH Base, Madison merges with Godzilla and destroys the Necro-Kaiju. And, after the reunion, Mick discovers that not just one, but 99 Necro-Kaiju have appeared, freaking Alicia out.

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