Arc 12: Infinitus Arc (Part 1)

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"In the beginning, there was only one...a single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release, and finally, the darkness broke, filling it with life. With the Multiverse. Every existence multiplied by possibility and spread out before space and time in infinite measure. Civilizations rose and fell, and rose again to cross realities grasping expanse. Life, a precious gift persevering in the face of every obstacle, until finally, the age of Titans was born. Chaos, the constant enemy of life, kept at bay by champions from across the Multiverse. Joining forces to fight on behalf of all creation, they found each other just in time. Because now, the entire Multiverse is about to come under attack. There is a malevolent force at work, one driven by a singular goal: the destruction of all life as we know it.  I have planned. There are those who say I have schemed. But the time for preparation has passed. The Crisis is now upon us all." - The Ultra-Monitor

A12.1: Premonition of a Crisis

As the Ultra-Monitor describes the Multiverse as an infinite number of realities symbolizing the age of Kaiju and the age of the Titans, he proclaims that something is coming to end this age, along with the Multiverse.

Meanwhile, Sam finally visits the Takahashi household in Japan and finds the whole family happy to see him. Then, Sam tells them everything that's happened.

On the other hand, Madison has another nightmare about the black-tentacled figure as she heads off to Damien Ford's location, in space.

Then, The Ultra-Monitor visits Mark and Alice's home for a premonition that could change their daughter's fate.

Mark: "It's you."

Ultra-Monitor: "I believe we met sometime before."

A12.2: Visions of an End

Mark: "Will you help me save Sam and Madison, or not?"

Ultra-Monitor: "No. But, I will give you the means to save them."

Mark: "Okay then, what will you need in exchange?"

Ultra-Monitor: "Whatever the Multiverse requires, to survive the crisis, when it's time."

As the Ultra-Monitor informs Mark about her daughter's fate, he decides to save her somehow, but Alice is not having this. However, the Ultra-Monitor is giving them a chance to save Godzilla.

Alice: "No. You leave my daughter outta this!"

Meanwhile, Sam comes home to find Madison, and Owen tells him that she went without telling Sam and Alicia followed her. Rattled by the news, Sam comes to the Goodwins' house, and he hears the news.

That's when Sam is met by the Ultra-Monitor and asks if he needs to see Madison, but he needs to prevent him from hoping and he reveals that in the incoming Crisis, he must make the ultimate sacrifice, meaning that Zone Fighter must die.

Sam: "I don't need to understand them! Just tell me what I can do to see her again."

Ultra-Monitor: "Survive? Unlikely. In order for billions to survive this coming Crisis, Zone Fighter must die."

A12.3: The Infinitus Gate

After hearing about Zone Fighter, mainly Sam himself, dying in the Crisis, he fears that his time as Zone Fighter will end, and he can't bring himself to tell his friends. Then, Sam meets Gearloose, who's working on a portal, and needs help, since he can't rely on Ultraman Chronos anymore.

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