Arc 8: Hunter Games Arc (Part 2)

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A8.27: The Creator of the Hunter Games

A review of all the Round 1 and 2 battles hosted by Zeke and the Creator of the Hunter Games.

A8.28: Operation: Mockingjay

By the Creator's orders, Zeke initiates Operation Mockingjay, meaning that all Kaiju will run wild at once. With this happening who will stop them? That's when he makes an appearance?! Alien Gapiya's here to start some mischief of his own. Then, Neo G-Force realizes that Round 3 is really a warped version of Boston and San Francisco. But, will they find each other before they end up encountering other Teams?

A8.29: Just Another Day with Zeke

Madison and Sam find a weary BANDA out of nowhere and ask her to look for their friends. Meanwhile, Seabook finds Alicia and Owen, Max finds Caesar and Misaka. Then, NIGEL finds BANDA with Maddie and Sam, Neo G-Force is united. Then, they find Zeke running from something, meaning the Hoarders are chasing after him.

Owen: "Is that..."

All: "Zeke?!"

The group saves him, but they want an explanation. Then, they found out that the Creator of the Hunter Games took over Zeke's position and ran Operation Mockingjay.

Zeke: "The Creator of the Hunter Games, she wants to run the games her way."

Despite everything Zeke did, Madison finally trusts him. But, on one condition: Neo G-Force, along with the other teams want out of this game when this is over.

Madison: "When this is over, we want nothing to do with you, or your games."

A8.30: First and Last Chance

Neo G-Force, plus Zeke, head for the Creator's Room, but first, they had to run into Teams Trinity Monster and Neo Ancient (Tiffany and Kiria) again and they want to find four of their missing teammates. Meanwhile, Operation Mockingjay is still in effect as many Kaiju could ambush our heroes at any minute now. Then, they found Teams Scout, Dark Future, and Justice Light searching for Reiner and Brenton, and look who's here; Garrett and Toby of TrM, and Cross and Lorde of Neo Ancient. The teams reunite with each other as the battle begins, with XenoBeast taking the first strike against Team Scout. And then, Reiner merges with Bronroi to settle things with Caesar/Glenfire.

A8.31: Another Brutal Showdown

Now, Round 3 is beginning, with a bunch of Hoarders, plus XenoBeast against our heroes, while Caesar/Glenfire has a rematch with Reiner/Bronroi. But, will he be okay or will he go berserk like those other 2 times?

Reiner: "I thought you wanted to kill me? What happened?"

Turns out, Caesar finally countered him, and now, Bronroi is on the receiving end of Glenfire's flame attacks.

Caesar: "Well, a lot's changed since then!"

But, Bronroi's not having this and starts retaliating, turning it into another brutal showdown between two people who have never met. But, no. it's turning into a showdown between 2 real men.

Caesar: "Had enough?"

Reiner: "Not even close!"

Then, Caesar and Reiner have one final clash and they both exhaust themselves. Caesar's hate for Reiner finally ceased as the battle ends.

Reiner: "I see you finally grown stronger, huh? Caesar."

A8.32: Brenton's Big Score

Bronroi and Glenfire may be down for the count, but XenoBeast has one final trick up his sleeve. A flashback reveals that he, Reiner, Anna, and Zeke were talking about how they're gonna clear the game. So, they made a promise: to become the strongest controllers in history. That's when Bronroi gives the signal, but it wasn't Reiner. XenoBeast throws Brenton in the sky, but Brenton doesn't sense Godzilla anywhere. Then, he gets confronted by Owen and the others. Both sides explain their reasons for clearing this game. Then, Brenton made his resolve clear: to clear the game, NTM must eliminate their enemies, including Godzilla and Zone Fighter, and brings out Kolosalen. Boy, is he huge, or what?

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