season 1 ep 1

64 4 1


Blood: Not many had made reference like these before but what is blood.
They say blood is the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of the human body and other living organism.

Blood Is what Sara, Jake, jill , jason
Saw hanging from the roof. in there now dead cousins  home.

Blood running down the ropes and on to the floor. before anyone could scream and point fingers on who could have done such a brutal and cruel murder or could it had been suicide? The sirens of a police vehicle was already heard and now getting close.

Everyone started panicking and grieving the lost of there dead cousin
But they had to find out what happened and resolved the situation but they had no time polices was on the way.

Let's hide it jason said
What the hell no Jill replied
Then what are we supposed to do Jill
I don't want to go to jail
Cmon sara tell her.
Jill it may sound stupid but I think he is right sara said.
"You guys are crazy I'm not hiding my dead cousin or should I say our dead cousin I'm not in with this plan no no
I say let's tell the cops I mean I didn't kill anyone did I or did you guys do something" Jake said.
Of course we didn't everyone replied before jill could come up with quick plan. jason interrupt with anger in his eyes, "Are you insane tell the coops?
What do you think they well say if they find out 5 cousin were about to throw a party and mysteriously the smallest among them were possible killed for god sake he was 17 years old".
"Jason chill" Sara said we have to hide the body now.
Knock knock knock it's the police open up. Jill replied, "just a minute.
Hurry up guys me and jason well distract the officer".

Robbing, mopping ,scrubbing anything necessary to leave no evidence behind.


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