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Sara was in her bed thinking of a way she could get jason out of jail she had no clue.
But then she remembered Tim's phone.
The same phone that Jake went to get but didn't returned back yet, she had leave like 15 messages but didn't had a single reply back yet.

She remembered jason was saying the phone was at his house in the top drawer, but Jake told them he would go and collect it.
But he hadn't returned, sara was getting worried and also impatient,
She decided she would go and collect the phone herself.
She took a taxi to jason parents house which is her auntie's place.
She ring the doorbell but didn't had any answer,
Was about to ring it again when her aunt opened the door, she welcomed her in a calm and manner way.
She told her to sit next to her cousin.

Cousin what cousin sara replied, looking at her left she saw Jill.
'Jill you didn't tell me you were coming here" sara said
"Do I have to tell you everything, and By the way I was about to leave anyway" jill replied rolling her eyes.

"Why are you even hear? Jill asked.
Sara looking nervous and trying to come up with a quick lie
"Umm can't I check on my aunt" Sara said winking her right eye.
"Is there something in your eyes? Jill asked her trying not to laugh.
"Girls girls be nice to each other" there aunt said offering them lemonade.
There aunt explained that she was going to visit her son jason to have a quick word with his lawyer and she would be back soon.
The moment jason's mom stepped out the door, both Sara and Jill rushed up the stairs in search of the phone.

Sara got there first, but was surprised after the phone was not there.

"Jill why are we even fighting we are on the same team right" Sara said.
"Sara why does everything have to be your way why are you actually hear? Jill asked her.
"What do you mean I'm hear for Tim's phone" Sara replied looking at her suspiciously.
"Why are you looking at me like that" jill asked her, oh you think I'm the killer, you think I killed Tim and I'm responsible for Jake's disappearance.

"Wait hold it there Jake's? missing Sara asked.
"Why didn't you tell me, oh my god you thought I know Jake was missing?
"So how did you know" Jake was missing Sara said backing to back
"Oh because your the one behind all of this your the one that killed Tim and your the one that got jason in jail what's your plan Jill what's the big frigging plan".

Sara was talking to distract her she was about to run and called the cops
Sara looked back to make sure nothing was blocking her way to get out of that house. and that's when Jill ran up to her and grabbed her by her hair!
And pushed her against the wall.
Sara punch her and tried to get up to run.
Jill blocked the door with her two hands out.
Sara looked around trying to find something to hit her with but then she saw the phone under the bed.
She plunge by the bed side grabbing the phone Jill didn't know she had the phone Sara got up of the ground.
"Your a killer and you well die a killer" Sara said.
Jill took out her gun and points it to her, guess the both of us are dieing.

Sara ran into her trying to take the gun away from her.
Jill took the gun and hit Sara in her head, causing Sara to faint.

"Wake up guys" jill said poring water on Sara.
Sara jumped up and started panicking when she soon realised she was Tied up next to Jake.
Unable to move or say a word.

Three dead bodies
Two unsolved mystery
One in jail for a crime he didn't commit
Two kidnapped and could possibly be dead soon

And an insane psycho cousin willing to do anything to get what she wants

Could this story get anymore twisted.

End of season 1

Season 2 out next two Weeks

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