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"Jake and Sara, heyy are you two Jake and Sara" a female officer asked "Yes we are "Jake replied the officer opened the cell door removed the handcuff off of both Jake and Sara and took the both of them into the interrogating room and handcuff there hands to the table. "Is this necessary " Sara asked.
" you two are the main suspects and could be killers we don't want you doing anything irrelevant" the officer said then left.
Sara and Jake were in the room alone but not for long, a male entered the room closing the door behind him.
" you must be Sara and Jake, for starters I'm jess Samuel's I'm an FBI agent working with the police". Jess took a seat across the table, "I'm not hear to play and I don't like wasting time so let me read what I have so far".
"On 25 of may 2023 Tim your late cousin died" cause off death unknown and is still under investigation" on that same day one of the officers of this police station, Derek Johnson was murderd and was buried behind your late cousin late adopted parents house, your aunt and uncle Julie and jousha. cause off death accident.
" time off death February 3 2023"

"Before I go on was there any sort of wrong information provided"
Jake and Sara nod there heads,
" on 26th of May 2023 your cousin jason was arrested as the main suspect towards the murder of both Tim, and officer Derek".
"  on 28th of may 2023 we received a phone call from an unknown person stating that they were two persons kidnapped and being held hostages under a abandoned sewer on lot 34 Sammy Valley street, that's how we found you two, we were not sure if you guys was part of the murder of Tim and officer Derek until we found you and Sara along with two dead bodies and your fingers prints all over the murder weapon, we had no choice but to arrest you both and held you in that cell until further notice.
"You might be wondering why I'm telling you all this information"
as an FBI agent never in my 27 years off work experience have I gotten to a dead end I have been working for days sleepless nights hungry stomach and still me and my team don't know the person behind it all",
I need your help If you want yourselves and your cousin jason out of jail and justice for both officer Derek and Tim, we need to work together,.

"We well help you  we well do anything you say we well  answer any questions you asked because we want justice for Tim he didn't deserve what happened to him no one did", Jake replied.
" ok starting from the night Tim was murderd tell me everything that i didn't mentioned or anything that you think can help solved this case.
" so how did Tim died"
We don't know it was a normal night we planned to throw Tim his 17 birthday party me Sara, and jason was outside taking out the drinks from the car it was around 11:29,pm we called for Tim to help but no one answered Assuming he was busy or he had gone to pick up a few friends, we saw Jill coming out a vehicle so we asked her to help the four of us entering the house together we saw Tim hanging from the roof with ropes around his neck and his throat slit blood running down the ropes and onto the floor, It couldn't had been us" they explained.
"Assuming that someone had murderd Tim what happened to officer Derek" agent jess asked
Jake took a deep breath and said "Jason killed him, he did it because he was scared that the officer would made it seems like we were the ones that killed Tim he did it to protect us".
"By killing and innocent officer you called that protect, what about the two person  in the sewer", " that was all our cousin jill",jake lied and said". Jake told him everything about jill , 14 minutes later jess got up and opened Sara and Jake's  handcuff from there hands "there is no reason keeping the both of you hear your free to go " jess said

"What about jason Sara asked"We have to keep him in a bit longer but from the looks of things its looking bad for him".
Sara and Jake left the police station " so what now Sara turned to Jake and asked him," idk but for now let's just go home were free of all charges did you heard me were free".

" well not quite Jill came out from behind with her gun pointing at Jake".
" jill what are you doing are you crazy" Sara said to her." No but your about to find out" Jill replied
" your not going to shoot us" Jake said"
" oh really Jill took a deep breath maybe this well change your mind, jill pulled the trigger boom.


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