
21 3 0

Anger, fear,guilt.
Two dead bodies were present one laying on the other.
The now dead officer phone went off,
Ting ting ting!!
No one answered.
It's like everyone was not sure about what had just happened.
"Jason what the hell we had it under control" Sara said.
"What did you think the officer would have done, he was about to call back up" Jason replied.
"It's not his fault" jill said, he was trying to help.
"Trying to help by killing an officer"
Sara replied, now what are we going to do?
Jason got up and lift the officer's dead body up on his shoulders.
The blood was running down his white shirt, blood stains was on his face.
"Where are you taking him? Jake asked.
"Quick open the door and make sure no one is there" jason mumbled, "Sara and Jill there are shovels next to you bring that", jill come with us jason said.
They went through the back door
It was the middle of the night no one would notice right.

Chuck chuck!! the sound of a shovel being use to dig a hole to bury two dead bodies.
Chuck the sound of a shovel being use to get rid of the evidence allll evidence.
The hole was 6 feet under.
Jake and jason held the officer up and pushed him in the hole.
Thud! the sound of a dead body being drop in a pit, lifeless and helpless.
" what are we doing with Tim" Sara said.
" leave him in the basement" jason said.
"What are you sure? Jake replied.
"Yes" jason mumbled.
They both covered the dead officer body with dirt.
" let's get our self clean up then go home"
Jill said.
Blood running down jason body in the bathroom has he showers.
Looking into the mirror he could still notice blood stains on his face,he picked up a brush and started scrubbing and scrubbing until his face started bleeding.
You could see his skin peeling off from pressure being used on his face.
He took a bandage and place it on the exposed wound.

None of them could sleep that night they just texted each other.


Jake "hi I can't sleep"

Sara "same"

Jason " I just released I forgot my chain at Tim's house"

Sara "omg what are we going to do I don't want to go to jail"

Jake " I can't leave the house my parents are at home"
Let's wait in the morning to get it"

Jill "ok"

Sara "ok"

Jason "ok get some sleep"

Jason got out of bed and went towards the sink to wash his face, his face ridden with guilt as he looked into the mirror.
He began hearing mumbling downstairs and proceeds slowly.
Looking face to face with the police Jason felt weak in the knees, his heart fluttered.
He feel to his knees broke down in tears stretched out his arms towards the police.

End of season 1 episode 3

murders among usOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora