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There jason was handcuffed to the desk of a police officer table.
The Officer began questioning him about what took place that night.
Questions he didn't reply too he didn't say anything about the incident, all he kept saying was he want to see his lawyer.
Not long after the police officer left the room,
His three cousin came to visit him seems they had heard what happened.
"What did you say to them" asked Jake.
"Nothing yet, I asked to see my lawyer"
Jason replied.
"Did you get the phone to work" Jake asked it's our only hope.

Yes it's on but I haven't checked it I wanted to wait this morning jason said, its at my house in the left drawer in my room.
"How are we going to get it without your parents seeing us" Sara asked.
"We have to sneak in tonight" Jake replied.
Later that night at exactly 5pm Jake went at jason's House,
It was clear his parents was at home,
Placing his hand on the door handle and turning it slowly.
Click! the door opened slowly
Jake entered the house moving slowly and closing the door behind him.
Jake went towards Jason's room,
After successfully entering he looked in the top drawer just has what jason told him.
He took out the phone and tried turning it on,
but it didn't work he noticed a charger on the bed, about to crab it
He heard footsteps getting closer to the room he had no option but to stash himself along with the phone under the bed.
Jake had no idea who it was he couldn't see the person's face when they entered the room and closing the door behind.
Jake was under the bed trying not to move or make any sound.

He heard talking but couldn't hear anything clearly, he tried moving in close to see if he could make out a single word about what the person was saying.

"The plan was not to get Jason in jail
But getting Jake in jail"
That's the last words Jake heard before being pulled out from under the bed.
And then he was hit in the head, which caused him to blacked out.


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