Cover Up

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Buzz Tim's phone shutoff before another information was revealed.
"Shit I will get it charged and I well meet you guys in the morning jason's lawyer farzena said heading out.
" mom you need to get some rest and you can come back tomorrow" Jason said, " Jason for the past few days I haven't gotten any rest what so special about today that I should I'm not tired".
"But" Jason hadn't finished his sentence. the officer was already back.
"Times up". the officer waited tell Jason had said his goodbyes then he took him back to his cell.

Farzena was now leaving the police station, she was already infront of her car about to open it. Searching and Searching and searching she couldn't quite remember where she had left her car key she had search the entire bag and her pockets.
About to turn back she was grabbed by the wrist and shoved against the car by someone, unable to move or fight back, she didn't waste any time farzena started screaming for help, she was just outside the police station someone had to see me right farzena tried to tell herself.
Farzena keept screaming but other person was stronger and smarter the person put there hands over her mouth so farzena couldn't make a sound. by the looks you could tell it was a woman.
The woman took out her gun and started treating farzena, " I give you by tomorrow to go in there and tell Jason and his mom you don't want to be his lawyer and if you dont apply to my rules I will take things in my own hands, and try mentioning me i well be the last person you mention".

The woman put the gun back in her waist and ran off farzena quickly took out her phone and give her a quick snap from behind has some sort of evidence.
Farzena took a taxi home leaving her car at the station front. Another miserable night for farzena trying to figure out a way to tell Jason she couldn't represent him in court any longer.

It was morning the day before court day the day where jason would be found guilty or not guilty.
Jason was awaken by a sudden bang on his cell.
Then was placed in a room with his lawyer.
"Jason i have something to tell you" farzena said.
"Ok" Jason mumbled.
"I can't be your lawyer anymore"
Farzena stated.
"What why who is supposed to represent me in court tomorrow".
"I'm sorry yesterday i was treated by a woman with a gun and I have to obey her"
"Woman what did she do why didn't you report it".
" I can't she said if I mention her it well be the last thing I mentioned".
"Don't you know this person that's treating you".
"No but I have a photo of her from behind".
Farzena took out her phone and showed Jason the photo and described how she looked in details because she didn't wear any sort of mask.
"Wait zoom in at the right side of her neck" Jason asked.
"What the hell that's my cousin.
"What how did you know" farzena ask feeling anxious.
"On the right side of her neck there is a scorpion tattoo, jason showed him his neck with that same scorpion tattoo explaining to her the meaning behind it.
" my four cousin and I planned on each of our 17 birthday we well throw a big midnight party and get that same scorpion tattoo and watching from that description I can see that.
That is my cousin jill.


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