Ch:2 The worst night of my life

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(A/N) be careful, this ship is looooooong~

check the comment for the summary!

Beau Papandeha

The band Metallica? You must know them, right? Well, they reminded me of one thing. The metallic taste of blood in your mouth after a swift punch to the face. But now it wasn't just in my mouth or a punch that left my nose dishevelled, but a numbing feeling all over my body. The calm before the storm? Most likely.

The pain would be excruciating in the morning,  I knew it had to be. I never liked getting a beating like this but I couldn't help but grin ear to ear as from the corner of my eyes I saw the little plant, spindly and almost leafless. It looked ugly for sure but the bright green in the dark blue ceramic pot left me breathless, breathless in a good way of course. I don't mind taking a beating if it was for this delectable thing. All of my pain would be worth it.

I peeled myself off the cold wooden floor, whipping flakes of dried blood as I looked to the early sunrise,  I wondered what questions they'd ask me at school today.

I didn't bother showering, what pain that would bring. I cusped the plant back into my arms and pressed it on my unclothed chest. I could almost feel its fighting heartbeat or maybe I just felt my own, I don't know.

But my smile couldn't falter, I wouldn't let it, I was as high as the moon. Mr. Ghiglione was right to get me this plant, I'd thank him when I saw him again.

I hurried to my closet and put on a maroon shirt with a dress skirt that sunk and hung by my ankles. I hurriedly placed the plant by the window sill and then sunk to my knees, not in pain. But to admire it, in all its unruly beauty.

I....I loved it.

I loved it more than I should have. It sparkling and twinkling leaves in dim orange sunlight. How it stretched for the sun to survive, long and spindly stems thinly as a string.

Then I was snapped out of my adoration. The wooden door behind me swung open with such force I was surprised it didn't snap off its hinges.

There stood Louisa, a distasteful and almost guilty look on her face. Her brunette hair was pursed and decorated spectacularly in wondrous curls that dangled from her scalp. Yes, I very much envied her hair.

She looked down at me for a bit, almost as if lost for words, her fingers slipped off the knob and tugged down at her crip top, covering her belly button.

"let's, let's go" She stopped herself from stuttering or showing any emotion. But I could see it, the guilt in her eyes. As if all my suffering was her fault. I used to blame her when we were much younger. But blaming people for your suffering only makes hell worse.

I stood up slowly, figuring out the best way to contort my body upwards to feel the least pain.

A sudden jolt of crimson thundered through my abdomen. It felt like a stab wound being violently re-opened with vile dirty hands.

My face twinged in pain, but it sieged fast as I regained composure. "let's go" I mumbled, hoping she'd hear me.

From the bit of my eye, I could see, her hands hesitantly stretched out, pulling the shirt back up her abdomen and clinging to her bosom. But she retracted her outreached touch. Spinning on her heels she shot out of the door and down the stairs.

I dreaded already when I'd have to walk those very stairs too, why couldn't I just stay home? No, grandmother enjoyed my very suffering and humiliation.

I sucked in a sharp inhale of bloody breath and bolted down the wooden staircase. I figured if I did it all in one go, the pain would ease. I was wrong.

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