Ch:3 There's a man in my bedroom

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Beau Papedeha

It breathed again. The man that had made it into my room.

I woke up to a shooting of acid through my gut and accidentally pressed his chest. I jumped back with just enough adrenaline to get me on my feet without whiplash toppling me over.

There, sprawled out on the floor just next to me, a man!

I didn't know this man, not at all. How did he even get up here?

I glanced at the door, it was closed and hadn't been opened since I shut it.

So who was this man of marble soft skin and dazzling curly fire-red hair laying on MY floor?

I muffled a shriek. I didn't know what to do. If I dare make a peep and 'she' heard me. Ammonia and bleach it would be.

But I couldn't do anything, who was this man in my bedroom? Should I wake him up? Would I get punished on his behalf if 'she' found out?

The questions were racing through my head. 

Beyond his hair were chiselled muscles, a lean and fit but thin figure. Too thin, he reminded me of myself when I looked in the mirror.

Bone poking out of places they shouldn't. Unlike me, however, he had no permanent blue to his skin and didn't look sickly, just a little thin.

Besides what was wrong with his body, everything was right. His hair looked like it would curl around his chin if he stood upright, those very same muscles, and his back. It looked so strong as if it could carry any burden. I was glad for a while it was uncovered. I was glad until I stopped to ask myself what else was uncovered, and my eyes wandered down.

I had to clasp my fingers hurriedly over my mouth to stop the exasperated gasps. Nothing, that was my answer. He must have stumbled in from Louisa's party, drunk and slipped off all his clothes. Why else would a naked man be up here?

That's it, that explained everything. ' She could never find out' my brain lighted up. Just as the sun reached the horizon. Scattering its golden rays on the concrete ahead of the attic window. It hit mystery man just right. It made his chin glow and his hair look like it had been lit.

I had to stare, how could I not? When else would I get to see a man this beautiful again?

I must have been staring but not paying much attention because soon he started to stir. Maybe it was the orange of the warmth of the sun that was tickling his conscience or my glaring stare but he was waking up.

As I rushed the courage to touch his hair his head snapped up and our eyes met.

I couldn't stop it that time, I was so shocked my hand didn't have enough time to cover my mouth. A deathly low shriek shot out of my lips as my heels peeled back and I was sent tumbling backwards.

His lazy eyes widen slightly at the sound of it but soon, he slithered his long body out and caught me mid-air, a sip of oxygen entered my lungs without my consent as the world froze.

His large hands supported my entire weight with his palm on the small of my back, our eyes meeting and entering a deep trance of just staring. The sparks. They were firing visible like fireworks when I could see them through the pane of glass of the attic. I Didn't feel embarrassed staring at his face which looked carved of marble by the best man on earth.

He was staring too. And stare he did until a goofy grin slid onto his pink lips, his eyes squinted in a genuine smile.

" you're beautiful, mate"

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