Ch: 5 To each their own, the fear of Ghosts!

11 4 5

( warning! describes sexual assault)

Harper Rice

" Landon!" I shrieked horrified as he reached down and grabbed my phone from the fingers of my hand. I immediately sprung from the floor to steal it back but he scanned the phone and pushed me away at arm's length. I was vibrating with anger, reaching and swinging my fists to get to him. But I was just hitting the air.

Soon, his face twinged in anger. "You're not going" he shot coldly, reading the messages of a party on me and Amandine's messages as if I'd ask his permission. I puffed my cheeks wide.

"I am, you can't control me anymore Landon! I'm 20 years old." I tried at him again but he gave me a final shove onto the bed and gripped the keys in his hand tightly.

"You're not going, Harper. And that's that" He threw my phone onto my bed and stanched out of my room. 

My face was bright red in rage but I calmed myself down pretty quickly, the threat of locking up the house so if I ever made a peep he would know only terrified me from ages 6-15. Then, of course, I found the weakness of this system.

Landon made dinner and put himself to bed, the minute the clock struck midnight, I leaped from my bed, party gear and glitter from my makeup falling off as I made my way to the basement like a mouse at midnight. The security systems my brother had spent half his life savings one's had a fatal weakness.

It didn't do shite to protect or alarm the doors for 30 minutes. Between 12:00 and 12:30, we were no more protected than a rabbit on open plains, praying there were no wolves around to gobble us whole.

I snuck out and sighed peacefully when the night's cool wind ruffled my hair. I smiled, a weight being lifted off my chest. I was free gosh darn it, my brother couldn't lock me up like a bird. I was free!

I made my way through the high grass bush of the backyard and Into the forest just behind our house. I gulped. My fear of the dark creeping up my liberated neck. That's when I started to remember the stories Landon tolled me when we were younger, how this forest was haunted, how I should stay away at all costs!

I spun on my heels in preparation to bolt out and back into the house, the cold wind creaking the old trees' trunks and the mostly dark interior of branches and leafy canopy blocking moonlight, but then a small voice chirped inside my head.

'Harper! This is your first party. If you back out now, you'll never be free! And Amandine will never invite you to anything again'

A shiver ran up my shoulders as goosebumps sprung on my exposed skin. I closed my eyes, took a breath far greater than my lungs could carry, and bolted through the woods, dodging roots springing from the ground and miscellaneous logs as the forest seemed to grow darker, eating me alive.

Soon, like the light at the end of the tunnel, the moon started appearing through the leaves of thicket and I could see a clearing of grass and on top of the hill, the university! I grinned widely, shooting my last bit of energy and sprinting out of the forest. Just before I was clear out, filthy hands gripped my hips, pulling me back into darkness.

I fell on my back into the dark and moist calm forest floor, my eyes shooting around me in panic as I could only think of one thing. 'GHOSTS!"

Soon my eyes fell upon a figure, well three figures. Each a bully in their own right. They looked more like shadows as they lingered between the tree line, away from the little moonlight I could see with.

"H-hello?" I tried, wondering what I'd gotten myself into. I'd read enough books to understand what meeting ghosts headed to.

The figures responded with their wicked grin, stepping from the protection of darkness I could see that these were no ghosts but men dressed in party gear drunk out of their minds. With eyes dazed and red and a look on their face that terrified me.

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