Ch: 1 Gasha Ghiglione

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Gasha Ghiglione

Maybe Beau Papandrea and I aren't too different from each other circumstantially wise.I hate going home too.. but she dreads it, you can see it in her eyes when the sun reaches a certain threshold in the sky, her entire body slumps and her face turns into a husk of what it used to be. It made my distaste for home seem pathetic compared to her, her fear. Dread? I could never find a word strong enough to explain the sudden dulling in her eyes as she dragged her feet out of the shop solemnly.

The same thing happened again, even with the plant clenched tight in her arms she seemed scared, even more, terrified than usual when the sun reached that very same place in the sky. She looked at the plant longingly as if calculating whether or not she should give it back or really take it home. " take it" I tried to usher, offering the kindest smile I could. That was the only thing I could offer her suffering.

That was it, her mind was made up, she clenched the pot even tighter ( as if she could) and trudged triumphantly out of the shop making sure the door closed gently by easing it with her foot. She shot me one last goofy grin before dashing off the way she came.

The shop entered its regular quiet. The smell of soil made its way into my nostrils. Father was right to give her the plant, it was nice to see her eyes shine bright and her not look so dull when she had to leave.

Now that she was gone there really was no reason to remain in the shop, I went to the front of the glass door and pulled the shades to block the sun from entering through the glass. I untied my apron and neatly wrapped and placed it on the wooden registration counter, quickly flipped each switch and closed the door that led the shop into the orchard out back. I wonder why Father and Beau seem to adore this orchard so much.

Just as I turned to leave through the staff room's back steel door I heard my phone ping in my back blue jean pocket where the keys to the shop were. I reached and grabbed it with haste in case it was Father. It wasn't.

"I need to get out, Grandmother beat her senseless again and I can't stand the smell of blood. Meet me at your shop. I'll pick you up there" it read in perfect pronunciation. The writer? Louisa Papandeha.

my heartfelt giddy, this was the first time my girlfriend had done anything that resembled interest in me the slightest bit. This date was going to be wondrous, I Wonder what we'll do!

And so just as quickly I flipped on one of the plant aisle lights and slid open the sun-absorbing curtains just fast enough to see the sunset plunge beyond the horizon.I sat by the curb and smiled, a muscle-aching grin plastered across my face. I settled into concrete and waited, and waited, and waited. It had to be that the cold night had fully settled in and I knew for a fact that Louisa didn't live that far away that pushed me to open up her Instagram, even after promising I wouldn't so much as look at her account ever again after what happened last time.

But I couldn't help myself,I clicked on her profile and scrolled, and scrolled. And soon I was sucked into the events of her night. She was dancing off somewhere in a club with a muscular-looking guy in the background, running herself all over him and all.I was on the verge of tears.I Pressed the messaging icon, maybe she'd texted me and I just hadn't seen it. Nope, empty, my replies left unread. She had ghosted me again and I felt like a weak mouse.

Love wasn't supposed to feel like this, why did she have to hurt me so much, it wasn't fair. What had I done to her?

I loved her so much and she left me for this man. Or maybe I was pathetic, thinking this arranged engagement could go anywhere near true love. Was it too much of a want to be happy?

I knew for a fact neither of my questions would ever be answered. I wondered if the ache in my heart compared at all to the palm on Beau's cheek. I must be really pathetic if I compare my pain to hers, no matter how angry Father got he'd never... hit me.

Let alone beat me so bad I was crippled to the ground and couldn't ingest food without horrid pain.I Was lucky, extremely fortunate that these were the worst of my worries, yet why did my heart hurt so much?

As I stood up from the stair and finished my shop closing routine, lights off, curtains down, and the back door locked. I walked out of the shop and Into the cool street, looking at the moon in the sky, I knew it was almost midnight, the trains had stopped running hours ago, and I'd have to walk on this chilly night.. Great.

Good thing I didn't live too far away, a brisk 10-minute jog and di had reached my father's apartment building.I Climbed the stairs and almost shoved the key into place hand jittering. My heart still hurt,I Couldn't let Father see me like this. But the door swung open before I could slide back down the steel stairs.

Father towered me, not naturally of course his work boots added a good six inches to his height. He did not look pleased.

"And where were you?" he asked, a distasteful look on his chiselled features.

" out" I murmured. Averting my gaze to the twinkling keys I fiddled between my fingers

"That isn't an answer Gasha! Where. were. You"

"I Gave Beau the plant, she really enjoyed it" I Offered a weak smile before scurrying into the house.

That would be the end of it, she was always his little weak spot.

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