True Witness

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Sorry bout the hiatus, I don know, this book getting kinda boring to write...



Sleeping in the Papendeha household was a dream for all the children that grew up there. Even I remember being a little boy and imagining up the grand furniture and creamy white marble rooms, maids rubbing my feet till the very depths of the sole.

Now that I was really here, staring up at the sparkling chandelier of a guest room larger than my living room, all I wanted to do was run.

I knew so much, I'd seen the bruises, her tired face, a part of her body always hurting. The print on her cheek. I felt like I knew everything in the world. Now I knew how wrong I was.

I felt suffocated like a grip of vile air sieged my throat and wouldn't let go no matter how much I begged. I wanted to leave this mansion, it felt so wrong to even be under the same roof as her when I'd seen what I'd seen.

Knives of dried blood, dark dungeons with humidity that resembled the greenhouse. I thought I knew everything, and I knew nothing.

Suddenly, a soft knock erupted from the center of the door, it didn't take a lot to get out of bed and open it. In front of me stood the petite Amandine.

She looked different though, her doe eyes sparked with something fiery, and her fists clenched with a purpose. " aliens" she breathed.

" I don't think ghosts took them Gasha. The supernatural. Why did Mr. Catchup warn us about staying away from the supernatural!" she explained, her eyes widening like she was believing it all for the first time herself.

" aliens?" I inhaled.

"Okay, maybe not aliens. Like, supernatural. Werewolves?" she clarified, strengthening her shrinking voice.

"Um, I mean. You seemed really adamant about it too. I'm asking if you know something we don't"

My breath clung to the insides of my lungs, screaming at me to allow it climb its way out. " it was the plant thing" I breathed. " I gave her that plant. If she ran away, wouldn't she try to get stuff to keep it alive? Leaving a watering can just doesn't seem like something she'd do" I thought.

"During high school..." Amandine trailed, "Me and Harper were really into the supernatural. The university clubroom is for supernatural studies... Mr. Cathcup is the supervising teacher" she continued.

Then, she looked up at me. Her swirling eyes widened with hope. " the others won't believe me. If we want every chance to find the girls. It's just me and you"

I breathed.

I didn't know what to do but look into her eyes and wonder what all of this meant. What was going on?

Everything, yet nothing at the same time.

Amandine paused. " actually-"

" GHOSTS" a shriek cut her off cold. " help me~!" it continued before fading as a loud boom sounded from the floor just under the one we were on.

We shared a glance at each other, staring at each other's eyes before nodding in unison. Hurriedly, we dashed out of the room and skidded down the stairs, our eyes almost blinded by the sudden glaring light from the million-dollar chandelier that sparkled in the ceiling.

"What happened?" I asked as Amandine stood behind me, scanning the room like she was some detective in a Sherlock Holmes movie.

The maid stuck to the wall like a gecko, pressing her entire frame to the crisp marble white while her eyes moved frantically, staring at all of us as if we'd eat her up if she so much as blinked.

Rice was already there with his signature scowl, glancing down at the troubled maid with a look that seemed so powerful yet conveyed nothing.

Louisa was the last into the room, her flowy silk ball gown of a night dress glistening as she almost danced in. Her skin glowed in comparison to the light that made her entire body shine like an angel.

"What happened?" Louisa asked, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes.

"This stupid maid woke us all up, that's what happened!" Landon shot up at me, annoyed out of his mind. He kept scratching and itching, and his nose glowed an unsightly red.

The maid finally looked at her, a craze in her droopy eyes. " Ghosts, I saw a spirit, m'lady!" she shook.

" Ugh!" Landon groaned, visually holding in the urge to punch the woman before him. His eyes seemed tired too, with a not-so-subtle puffy redness to them.

The rest of us were stunned, what drugs had this maid done?

But Amandine didn't seem to be convinced that the maid's crazed eyes and weird everything were a result of a powerful illegal substance. She moved forwards with a purpose until she was face to face with the woman, before crouching down and smiling.

" tell me all about it~" she said in a lovely sing-song voice.

The maid calmed instantly.

" a spirit, a ghost wandered in and tapped me" she shivered. " white flowy skid and pinkish red hair! I swear on m'life. I no joke!"

Amandine pursed her lips before glancing at me. " ghosts, spirits? Whatever it is. I swear I'll find the end of it!" she grinned playfully.

"Please!" Rice scoffed, rubbing clear liquid off his bottom lip vigorously. " this stupid ghost thing, you believe this bit-"

" I do" Amandine cut him clean. " and Harper did too, did you know why Harper was so scared of ghosts?" Amandine's words slid smoothly to one's ear but held a powerful hidden intent.

Louisa and I were left utterly confused.

" Harper believed in ghosts, she saw a pale woman with pinkish gold hair all the time," Amandine said.

Rice stood, his mouth closed for the first time since the tiring day began. I thought Amandine to always be a kind and scary observant girl, never had I thought of her as the intelligent person I saw standing right in front of me.

It was genius, explaining this ghost thing in a way Landon couldn't say no to. He would defame his own sister, he would invalidate the many trips to the psych ward and the money she'd put into this little hobby of hers. Everyone in the entire city knew of the infamous Ghostbuster Harper Rice, but of course, she was no Ghostbuster now that she was missing.

Rice stared venom through Amandine, but she didn't budge. I swear I could see a smirk tugging at her thin lips.

" I believe in aliens, Harper believed in ghosts and-" Amandine turned to look at the maid, who now dawned a more confused face than one of fear and concern.

" I think I have my first True witness " 

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