Ch: 4 I Might just die today

12 3 9

Beau Papendeha

Small hands started to shake me awake, a seizure-inducing moment indeed. My eyes flew open like a door thrust broad and on top of me in a cold sweat, Louisa. But not the beautiful modern woman I knew my cousin to be. She looked mortified pupils rolled stressed and her face creased tight unreleasing.

I noticed though in my hands, my plant snug pressed on my chest. Right, I remember what happened now.

Louisa helped me sit up and place the plant on the floor beside me before throwing her hands around me, my second hug of the day. But this hug seemed more desperate, a loving move as if the moment she let go, I'd be gone forever.

She pulled back only to look at my face and wipe a stubborn blow of hair from my face, tears starting to roll down her cheeks in uncontrollable waves.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't do more" she sobbed, digging her face into my smelly shirt. " I'M SORRY, I'm so sorry" she whimpered.

I had to pull her away slightly before peering at her face. "what's going on Louisa" I coed. She gripped me tight. " 'She' is calling you"

There was silence in the room while I tried to process her words before my eyes fell and my heart dropped. Today was for real. The day I was going to DIE.

A shiver ran down my spine before ringing back up and striking my brain like a bell. My heart started drumming in my chest with unruly fury as the reality started to REALLY sink into me, I was going to die.

The next few seconds were all a blur, all my eyes registered was the brown panels of the wood beneath me, then the brown above me, then the brown on both sides as this colour began to suffocate me. The maids had come to usher me faster as Lousia was left behind, sobbing and crying and pleading to no one cause nobody could ever save me.

It took everything in me to stop thinking about death and start asking why. I Always knew Grandmother was going to kill me, she'd made it clear since the incident. There were times when I had come close to dying, there were times I was sure I'd die. But now, I couldn't place my finger on why she'd decided today was the day her son was avenged.

Slowly, as I managed to calm my stomach and almost await the ending of my life, I wonder what the afterlife was like. Then I wondered who would take care of my plant. I was brought into a room with massive heaver mahogany wooden doors and white on the inside. In the middle of the grand room with a giant ceiling that seemed high enough to kiss the sky was a black table with a mysterious liquid on the front in a large class cup.

 I Gulped, a heavy lump of dread sticking to my throat like glue, sweeping my eyes through the asylum white room.

" where is she? "I asked the maids just before they left me to my doom. They looked at me pitifully before whispering. " The juice does not kill you madame, it stuns you so the mistress herself can administer the final blow. When you've drunk and fallen. 'She' will arrive" they groaned, dreadful like the witches who warn those next to save themselves before they die. But there was nothing these witches could do. I had to ask this question, the last I'd ever get to. "Did my father do anything? "I looked, almost believing his daughter's execution would ignite some action out of neutrality he'd maintained for decades. Neutrality from fear but neutrality nonetheless.

The maid looked down solemnly before closing the door behind her and skirting back to their duties. Suddenly, the cup with bright orange liquid seemed to pull me in like it was the center of gravity. It seemed so heavy when I lifted it like my arms felt weak and would snap if I lifted it any higher. The smell stifled a breath as I lifted it to my lips. before I could wash the whole thing down with a terrifying gulp. A hand grasped mine.

I was stunned, a ray of sunshine reaching in from the shattered roof framing the owner of the h and I n glorious light. The hand was gripping the hand that held my drink of doom and supported my head while still mid-air, staying put as if invisible wings flapped wind away, defying gravity's laws like a bird, or even an angel.

"And who gave you permission to die dear mate" The fiery-headed male grinned, pearly teeth shining onto my tired face. I was too stunned to speak as the now angel-looking man tipped the cup over and I watched, too flabbergasted to speak as the liquid slipped out of my loose grip and tumbled onto the tile with a clang. Juice spilled everywhere, dotting the asylum white in a splash of colour.

An audible gasp escaped my lips as I felt shackles being broken off my arms, my wrists felt light and I could all but look up at my Saviour. Red-headed man. Cona.

He suddenly pulled me into an embrace so tight I could feel his warmth radiating from strong muscles onto my face as my cheek pressed into his chest. My face flushed an unbelievable shade of red before a shower of glass rained from the stained roof above. I couldn't even look at the horrifying sounds above me because his body blocked my view and protected me from what would be the most painful shower of my life.

The sound each shard made as it collided with the ground was a hundred times the sound the cup had made, it danced and soon even Cona's heartbeat was drowned in the shattering and spraying. It was so loud my ears started ringing.

He didn't even grunt as glass dangled in heaps while the roof started caving in on us, what had he done to cause such a disaster?

Sooner rather than later the last glass struck the tile and I was carefully removed from his warm skin. He placed his large hands on my cheek and I could do nothing but stare into his mysterious yet so loving eyes. " Are you alright mate?" he sipped air to say as if there was none in his lungs before.

I snapped out of my thoughts to look over at him, he'd shielded me from glass rain, he must be injured! I tried to peer at his back but his soft but firm grip stopped me. " we must leave my mate, later I will end whoever plotted your death"

I unconsciously looked up at the damage we had caused and the missing roof. Above, shining scattered sun shawn down into the asylum, glass strung across the landscape like a dangerous game of snakes and ladders.

I looked back at him, my face hot from the sun. " save me my plant, save me" I whispered, clinging to him tight.

( A/N) Sorry this is so short, it's a little significant so I thought it deserved its own little thing😊😊

~Magic world from the sky~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ