Ch: 9 The man that teleports

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Harper Rice

"Ugh" I moaned. Rubbing the back of my neck, a crippling concussion swept through my body. I felt like I had slept for a day straight yet didn't get a wink of proper sleep.

" Landon!" I shouted carefully. " I'm hung over~" I groaned louder, expecting my dotting brother to rush in with a bowl of whatever delicious soup he gave me that cleared my head every time a hungover gripped my brain.

But my brother didn't come. No one did. And I wasn't in my room tucked warmly under my heated blanket.

" WHAT THE FRICK" I shrieked, shooting up from my lying position, and wrapping my hands around my barely clothed torso. There I notice not but a thin sheet covering my entire body.

I snapped my head around, my eyes hungrily gulping at every sight they saw. Where was I?

"Calm-" a childish whine sounded. I shot my head around so fast my eyes were spinning.

On the floor, with the other end of the thin bedsheet. A man, naked.

"Aargh!" I shrieked so hard that my face turned red. Clutching my end of the ridiculously elongated sheet closer to my body.

The man's face twisted before covering his ears, the smirk faltering into a temporary dissatisfied smile.

"Police, POLICE!" I tried my weakening voice.

A smile swiped over the man's face "Darling mate, the police aren't going to help you" he teased, a sly but kindful smile on his handsome lips.

My eyes went wide. "What- what do you want from me!" I seethed, more angry than scared at this point.

"Calm" the man repeated. " it's too early for you to shout. The sun has not even begun its ascent into the sky" he chuckled to himself, patting the space on the ground beside him enticingly.

My blood began to run cold as I panic-searched the room we were in. It seemed abandoned. Pale gray circular walls reached feet high until they met on top a wooden triangular point. I realized I must be in a cylindrical-shaped Victorian-era building.

"What did you do to me? Where am I? Where are my clothes!" I stiffened. Looking at the man, his attractive face stared right back at me. Dark navy blue eyes spun with enticing rich black hair that seemed to glow with the rising sun. his skin glowed with a faint blue hue as his eyelashes stared hungrily at me. 

"Teleport~" he sung like a bird in early spring.

"You think this is funny, you think you're funny!" I snorted.

He seemed to recoil a bit before another smile gripped his lips, he grinned wide, showing his sharp pearly whites. This man barely looked human with that smile.

" then explain why you're here, Monzo's away from that cursed place" he shivered, grin altering for a slight second until it vanished so quickly I couldn't recognize it.

I turned around, scanning the empty concrete building again. The large window suddenly blew a cooling breeze as the lining of the sun rose from the ocean. Wait... Ocean!

I ran quickly to the rim of the window, peering down to see water from the base of the cylindrical-looking building bottom. I stiffened before sprinting briefly to the other side of the empty room, looking down with eyes wide at the second window. The entire time clutching the fragile sheet to my body.

Water, the entirety of the base of the building we were in was surrounded by an expanse of deep blue. Rippling into the horizon before continuing its descent for miles.

I slipped down to the floor, defeated. A sense of dread and panic wrapped around my heart with a vice and venomous grip. The bottom of my eyes were starting to water, I stood up to glare at the lazy lying man. Tightening my grip on the sheet.

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