Ch: 7 First Kiss

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Beau Papendeha

I don't know what I was expecting from a man who can shape-shift and rapidly heal himself. I also never thought I'd be able to escape the grip of 'her' and the heaven-tall walls of that prison of a house or even the city she could find me in. It made me wonder why I hadn't just run away earlier if it was as easy as leaving and not turning back.

I could wonder all of that while I sat comfortably on Cona's lap, he'd insisted that was the only spot on this near-empty train that would ensure my safety, but I didn't fight. I always felt safer with him around and with him leading our way, my getting lost was the worst thing that could happen right now.

Despite not even knowing him for a full day, my entire being trusted him. I had learned to listen to my gut and listen well, those are the lessons that stick with you when you have a 'family' like mine. I'd lived decades under the same roof as all those people I called family yet not once had I ever felt so at ease as I did with Cona.

He sat strong, his presence radiating into the empty seats next to us, his arms wrapped around me like a safety seatbelt and his bottom covered. I don't know how, but he'd gotten himself dressed in a fit of all-black. I had only noticed that when we'd boarded the train, and I was reminded of the lack of clothes he had on last time I got a full shot of his body.

' reaching station 15, passengers, please be ready to exit' the train voice sounded. I jumped slightly, I didn't expect the voice. I hadn't been on trains for years now.

Cona suddenly strengthened his secure hold on my waist as a response. " don't fret, it's alright" his groggy voice sounded. He'd obviously been sleeping, his head nestled in the crook of my neck.

I felt another one of those fiery blushes creep up my neck.

The train eventually stopped, and we entered a gloomy grey cobblestone station that wasn't so empty. It was crawling with homeless people and those high on everything under the sun. I was slowly solving all my previous questions. I didn't leave, so I wouldn't end up on the streets like these people.

Cona was very groggy, barely keeping himself up as he leaned dependently on me to move. I wondered why he was suddenly so tired.

We wobbled on, wandering throughout the station. Cona knew for sure where we were supposed to go before but sleepiness had washed over him in waves and now he could barely stand.

I wished I grabbed something on our way out of the sparkly former glass dome, anything. Maybe then I'd be useful to him. I felt very grateful like I'd do anything to make him comfortable. He'd saved me, and I was acting like a burden he had to drag along.

We had to sit down sooner than later, he was becoming too heavy for my neglected body to carry. The bench I picked was strategic, it was close to the train but away from the heated vent near the rail where all the homeless gathered for a sliver of humanity, heat.

I felt almost guilty, while I'd also never known when a meal was coming, the house was always warm and as long as I listened and suffered in peace. I lived relatively comfortably. I should have never compared my suffering to theirs.

I was ogling at the bunch of 6-7 people scrambling and fighting for the chance to be the one who lie directly under the heat vent so much so, I didn't notice the man approaching me from behind. I definitely didn't notice his looming presence growing away from my center field of vision before he gripped my hair with one arm and silenced any shriek with the other. His greasy fingers reeked of cigarettes and buried earth.

I was too stunned to scream as he lifted me up from the bench and pressed a sharp object against my bare neck... I hiccupped.

I didn't need to see in order to imagine the sickening grin that spread past his parting lips, the yellow teeth he must have.

" follow me girl, or you'll both suffer" he put more pressure on his blade and crimson trickled out of the cut he'd made on my neck, I hiccupped again. Too afraid to call out to the other people for help.

 " come ere pretty thing" the man's breath hiked into my nose. It reeked of every awful thing under the sun.

His blade was now centimetres deep into my neck, it wouldn't be long until the pain would be unbearable but until then. I found some use I could be too Cona, I could be at lease that.

I stood slowly, lowering Cona's head to the bench within the restricted movement the knife allowed. The smile on the man's dried yellow lips widened.

My heart slowed and I was expecting that tingling cold to sweep across my face all over again but my body was silent as I trudged obediently ahead of the man, the knife maintaining it's vice grip.

We walked far away from the flickering yellow lights of the underground station, away from any warmth or illumination. A worrying feeling was tickling my stomach and my gut was screaming at me but I swallowed hurriedly. Years with that woman had given me a literal stomach of steel.

Eventually, it was so dark I couldn't see what was ahead or behind me. I would think I was floating in it if it wasn't for the cobble under my feet and the knife pressed against my skin.

The sound of a zipper descending kicked my heart into a rare gear of almost panic as the mans breath seemed to shimmy all over my body. " get ready" he chuckled frantically, fumbling the seems of his pants and buttons.

' run" I thought to myself. 'Beau, RUN' yet my feet where implanted firmly in the solid concrete. My heart couldn't decide whether to speed up or sink and pool at the bottom of my chest.

The man finished fumbling, I could imagine the collection of his pants by his feet and a blur over his crotch area. I could imagine, everything. Yet my mind refused to believe. 

I shut my eyes tight, blackening the already dark surroundings. I was shivering repeatedly and asking my body to listen and black out. Begging it too.

Nothing, I expected everything but not a hand touched me. I waited a few seconds before I gathered the courage to open my eyes and turn around to what I assumed was behind me in the darkness. It wasn't empty.

A looming presence was walking near me before I was engulfed in a warm, safe smell. My heart almost leaped into my throat. I swallowed a shriek when I realized who the aroma belonged too.

" my mate" an angered voice rumbled. I felt the words vibrate in my chest as all of my panic washed away. I still couldn't see, but I could feel.

" C-Cona" I mouthed. More questioning my own instinct than informing him I was safe.

" I apologize, my mate, for I... endangered you," he said, underlying guilt making his voice dip up and down in waves.

My heart constricted a bit, a feeling of love swimming through my veins. His apology seemed so genuine and made my chest swell.

I felt his slow deep breaths hitting my face, a hot feeling.

Suddenly... a thought came over me. An instinct I couldn't control

I reached up on my tippy toes and searched his face for those lips of his.

I found it and hesitantly pressed my lips against his. Sparks immediately shot through my entire body, mouth parted and almost stunned as the darkness seemed to be filled with light. Sparks flew through my numb face and my eyes widened as I could see his face in the dark.

He seemed shocked for a moment, more surprised than me that I had kissed him. As we parted he stood still holding me in his arms. We stood there, staring into each other's eyes despite the dark. Before he reached down hesitantly and pressed his lips on mine. The fireworks started all over again before my heart started fluttering in my chest.

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