Ch: 6 Green House

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Gasha Ghiglione

I couldn't believe it, not a thing that flashed before my eyes registered in my brain as an event that was playing out, let alone something I was actively involved in. Beau was gone, GONE! But what was more surprising than that, her grandmother, the notorious matriarch of the Papendeha household, was looking for her. She looked genuinely concerned. The very look on her face made me want to puke.

The entirety of the mansion had been draped in crimson police tape as red and blue sirens flashed from cars haphazardly parked throughout the property while detectives and crime scene people took pictures of everything and Interviewed everyone who could breathe.

I didn't know what was more surprising, the fact that Matriarch was the one who notified the police or that Beau Papendeha was gone. and I didn't know which one I should have been most concerned about either.

 I ran over once Loisa texted in not-so-perfect English that today was the day Beau was supposed to die and she didn't. Why? Because no one could find her anywhere.

My heart suddenly twinged, a guilty panning stinging my chest. I was worried now, poor Beau knew nothing of the world, and whoever took her was not likely to return her. She would be all alone. A sweat was forming on my brow as a sickening grip clutched my stomach. I feared Beau would really never come back.

I stood still, looking at all the chaos from the perfect center view, my feet planted in the middle of the circular brick walkway where cars were parked for fancy parties. I saw each officer that strutted everywhere and each camera take each picture. Every car was highlighted by the setting sun and the open interviews sounded loud like unpleasant bells.

" this way Mr. Ghiglione, you're next." an officer tapped his clip board carefully on my shoulder. I slowly averted my eyes from the chaos to his soft face. It didn't take me long to recognize the same hereditary killer jawline. Officer Rice, Landon and Harper's distant uncle.

I followed his still very hazy form of everything into one of the mansion's many rooms that had been cleared solely for the purpose of interrogating everyone. Everyone except the Matriarch herself was a suspect.

" good evening Gasha" his gaze softened considerably when we where alone. My mind cleared a bit seeing his kind eyes, he wasn't a man suited for the bad cop part of good cop bad cop, if only any of his distant relatives would have inherited any of it.

The questions started calm and cool but rapid fire, there must have been at least a hundred people on site and hundreds more left to call, he didn't have time to go slow on me because I knew his relatives and gave him flowers for his wife's funeral. My mind was a haze answering all of them before I was ushered away for the next interrogatee.

I slowly made my way to Louisa's room, the hallways hauntingly silent and empty compared to the ruckus outside. Beau definitely wasn't in the home, the officers had checked. You could tell based on the un-organised way the unusually neat furniture now lay. Everything turned ridiculous degrees and nothing directly on the floor the way it was supposed to be.

I reached the stone-looking door that kissed the high ceiling, embroidered angels danced on its gold frame and shivered as the sunset bounced on it just right, reaching my clenched fist forwards, I knocked gently.

A gentle " come in" was heard on the other end, followed by aggressive sniffling.

I gently pressed the door open to see Louisa coiled on her California King bed dressed in what must have been hand embroidered white sheets and those same angels dancing on strings attached to the loose fabric...

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