Ch: 10 Some stupid supernatural

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Amandine Stylo

"That's why we're here-" Louisa finished her sentence.

" she's not here.. Harpers not here," I said.

The guilt had saddled my stomach since the police chief declared her missing. I couldn't get over the possibility that it was all my fault.

The party I'd invited her to celebrate the new laboratory we'd opened was a part I knew she couldn't make. Yet I had to have her there, it was too special for her to miss.

"I'll help you" I mouthed, not trusting my voice to not break on me. "I'll help you find her for sure"

 It's because of your stupid party she left home anyway!" Landon Rice snapped, his harsh words echoing off the large and empty expanse of the university club room.

My heart was swallowed in guilt. "I'm sorry-"

" Enough!" Louisa Papendeha, shout out, very frustrated. She glared at Landon as if he'd run through an imaginary line he wasn't even supposed to step foot over.

"We're all at fault, we could have all done something to stop it, but we didn't, and they're gone! Stop blaming everybody, Landon, stop it!" she warned him, her face flashing red.

She cleaned the frustration off her face with a clean movement before whipping. Each movement pre-determined before execution.

Landon scoffed at her too, not taking her words as a threat. But a sense of realization still swirled in his eyes.

Louisa then turned to me, soft eyes dawning her once furious face. She flipped her little notebook to a fresh page and stared at me expectantly. "When was the last time you saw her, Amandine?"

" It was when both of us sat together during Professor Catchup's lecture. She was staring at the plant on his desk and I...Professor joked about it being the main decoration at the party I was throwing" I murmured.

Harper, my best friend. She was gone, and I felt so, so guilty.

"You didn't see her anytime after that?" Louisa questioned, her voice genuinely surprised we had separated for even a second.

I nodded, whipping a loose tear with my soaked handkerchief.

"Well, how useful was that!" Landon snorted cruelly.

"Enough with it!" Gasha snapped, he seemed to be getting irritated by being near Landon, only tolerating it for their shared purpose.

Gasha's smooth, sun-kissed face twinged before he forced it to relax as Landon glared at him.

Louisa rolled her eyes and continued her questions. " Do you know where we might find any hint of her? Maybe she ran away?"

"The police chief said kidnapping, I doubt she ran away." Gasha shook his head sympathetically.

"And the police chief hasn't found either one, I'll take my chances, thanks" Landon rolled his eyes.

 Suddenly, the club room's door sounded with gentle knocks. The three of them dance as a cold shiver went up each of their spines simultaneously. 

I sniffled, lifting myself off the desk and opening the door with a hesitant creak.

"Mr. Catchup?" I sounded, a sigh of relief escaping my tired lips.

The 6-foot dangerously handsome professor peered down at me. His wild brown hair tamed and slicked into a two-piece braid. A tight-fitting suit hugging his masculine curves. Dark-rimmed circular glasses danced on the bridge of his perfectly straight nose.

His eyes were cold, much colder than they usually were. 

" Amandine, did you take my plant?" His face churned. He was serious, usually kind eyes wrinkled and... upset.

"No sir, I didn't take your plant?" I breathed, more questioning if he was serious about asking me such a thing than replying.

He paused, a series of works churning in his large head as he seemed to be clicking pieces to a puzzle together I knew nothing about. Then his eyes widened, he'd figured it out.

He peered into the club room, making eye contact with each person inside. The sun dancing in from the unusually bright windows. His gaze danced from Louisa, Gasha, and Landon. They finally landed on me.

"You young adults ought to leave the searching to the grown-ups" he scolded.

"Stay away from everything that breathes. I warn you as my students, stay away from the supernatural" he glared before turning around and walking down the empty hallway as if he hadn't plunged us all into utter confusion.

We were all left speechless, closing and then opening our mouths. No words left each time. What was there to say?

"What the Frick was that?!" Landon shot out, more irritated than confused about what just happened.

We all looked at Louisa, her notebook hanging loosely in her hands as she stared at the open door, bewildered.

"Supernatural?" she questioned. "And what's all this about the plan-... wait" Gasha's eyes shot wide.

"His missing plant. Louisa, In Beau's room. Was there a plant on the window sill?" Gasha turned to ask, that same knowing puzzle-fixing look dawning on his face.

" No, there was no plant. But there was a blue watering can" Louisa stuck her head into her notes and started reading.

"Don't tell me you guys think ghosts kidnapped the girls or some stupid supernatural!?" Landon threw his hands up, an exasperated look on his face.

"I don't think ghosts did it, but I'm going to start paying more attention to what happens in supernatural movies" Gasha nodded to himself, his brain still spinning and turning.

"No, think about it, Landon. The greenhouse, the security cameras. The fact Harper seemed to disappear off the face of the earth... I don't think ghosts did it either but really. Think about it?"

" You are all unbelievable!"

 "Fine Landon. Explain it, explain to us how in anything's name any of this is happening right now!" Gasha shot back, getting absolutely fed up with Landon's attitude.

Louisa paused, not stopping the brewing argument. " you're both right, let's all go to my house and sleep it off. We can't keep bickering and making such decisions on a whim, no matter how likely they are to be correct" She sighed just before either boy threw the first punch.

We all stopped, looking at Louisa. How could we common folk sleep at the Papendeha mansion?

I shot up, ready to interject when Landon beat me to it. "We can't just sleep! We'll look at Beau's room and the greenhouse too" Gasha calmed, his neutral expression returning to his tan face.

"Hurry" Louisa stormed out before I could say anymore. And that was that,

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