Ch: 8 Missing Girls

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Gasha Gigilione

A full day passed of searching everywhere and anywhere for even a sliver of a sign Beau was still alive. The police interviews and blockades were for not. Entire streets where emptied with the intention of finding her but it was as if she'd flown through the ceiling of the broken glass greenhouse and never turned back. All security footage was tampered with in someway, during the time of around 3pm every single camera pointing to an entrance or exit was blocked by some miscellaneous piece of furniture. Other cameras were shut off or even broken and twisted at odd angles as if someone had manipulated them.

Kidnapping, the sheriff ruled. But that wasn't the end of the bad news.

Harper Rice had gone missing in the middle of the night the very same day Beau had, and the entire city had gone crazy over it.

2, relatively prominent girls in our city.. Gone. and truly no one knew where to even start looking.

Father sighed, rubbing his temple obnoxiously while re-reading the section of the newspaper discussing Beau's disappearance. He'd looked stressed as ever since the news made it to his ears. What could he say, he was very bad at hiding the fact she was his weak spot.

" who, who could have done this? How did they even get inside the mansion with all the sprawling security and maids!" Father asked the millionth time as if i would ever have an answer.

" i don't know, but whoever took her's sick" i mouthed, a wave of disgust swishing through my stomach. Fathers was right, who could have done such a thing cruel?

" and the young lady Rice, this kidnapper has no shame at all" Father spat.

I nodded, slowly.

As my stomach calmed, a thought was sloshing through my mind. Louis Papendeha, Louisa's dead father.

There was so much she told me yesterday that I could barely comprehend it then, but know the information was digesting. It all seemed like a sick fairytale she had spun in her head to mess with me. But it couldn't be, not even she was that cruel. The look in her eyes and cool feel of her skin, there was no way she was lying.

Louisa killed her father.. But why? And who has the strength to kill one's blood like that?

That family was horribly messed up in more ways than one.

Suddenly, a soft gentle knock on the glass door, i stood up from the comfortable countertop and peered through the no-sun curtains to see Louisa's downcast expression. Beside her was the 6-foot mega handsome Landon Rice. A sudden tick formed on my neck as i opened the door

, slapping and forcing my best grin.

" what are you two doing here, together" i paused, trying to dig myself out of the mindset i'd buried. Flashbacks of my abandonment a few nights before swirling fresh in my head.

" move it Ghiglione" Landon shoved past Louisa and even me into obviously the closed shop.

" what the frick do you think you're doing?!" i shot angrily storming after him as he peered all over looking for something.

" you're stupid sister isn't here arse hole. She's probably off somewhere high out of her mind kissing a random-" Landon cut me off by gripping my neck and picking of the ground. Slamming me into the nearest empty shelf and causing my head to hit the wood before ricocheting and snapping. A jolt of pain slid up my spine as i struggled to get back up again.

" enough, both of you" Louisa strained tiredly, stepping into the nursery. Her tired eyes still downcast but a strong sense of purpose.

" if we're going to find Beau and Harper. We have to work together" Louisa shot up determined, looking at the both of us with a determination i'd never seen before.

" the police aren't going to find them. At least they won't be fast with it. We're going to have to suck it up and do it ourselves" she clutched her diamond purse slightly. " so stop being so childish already, gosh darn it!"

I felt a rosy blush spring up on my already heated cheeks as Landon tsked, he always looked annoyed but today he seemed particularly pissed off.

A lump went down my throat.

Louisa spun around, closing the curtain behind her before spinning again and looking at the two of us

." Let's start right away. Kidnappers wait for no one. Quick, tell me the last time you interacted with either girl" Louisa said, rummaging through her purse before pulling out a small note pad and an embroidered quilt pen... fancy.

"Everything the police already know. Harper went to some party at the University and was never seen again" Rice scoffed, rubbing his shoulder slightly. His eyes seemed so.. Sad and maybe guilty? My comments earlier where starting to dig into my own conscience.

"Alright, have the police checked the.."

" wait , wait. What's going on?" I chimed, suddenly remembering why I was on the floor and that Louisa and Landon came here.. Together.

" we're trying to find them, obviously. The police are too slow" Louisa spelt it out slowly as if talking to a child speaking English as their 6th language.

" i-i know. But-"

" shut it Ghiglione" Landon shot coldly before urging Louisa to continue this hurried meeting. I rolled my eyes and asked anyway. " why here?"

"It's perfect, private.." Louisa leaned in so close i could taste her breathe " no grandmother" she mouthed silently, as if the woman she spoke off was in the room with us.

" i still think your stupid grandmother took both of them" Landon interrupted, gritting his teeth ravenously.

I scoffed. " why would the Matriarch kidnap her own granddaughter, then some random party girl?" I laughed, swallowing my fluttering heart at Louisa's closeness.'

" you don't know her" Louisa's eyes clouded. " but she wouldn't kidnap anyone"

My heart was sticking to my lungs, what was she trying to convey?

Louisa snapped out of it, sucked in a rage sip of air before sighing. " we should start looking and stop arguing. We'll find them first, dead or alive"

" ALIVE gosh darn it" Landon shocked, refusing the very possibility his dear little sister could be.. Dead.

" well, if we're going to find them, we shouldn't be talking about doing it a mile away from where we should be" I scoffed, rubbing the back of my neck.

" go" a sudden deep voice sounded. The three of us snapped our heads towards the entrance of the staff room to see Father leaning elegantly against the entranceway, newspaper tucked under his arm close to his chest.

" you'll look and you will find Beau Papendeha. Then I will personally make sure that woman never as much at breaths the same air as her again" Father seethed coldly, sending chills down all of our spines.

Landon was so surprised he didn't mention that Father had forgotten to include the name of his beloved sister, Harper Rice in the discussion of missing person to be found.

He then turned and re-entered the room as if he hadn't just lit a fire under our spirits and forgotten to put it out. My lungs screamed for air as i realized i was so shocked, i forgot to breathe.

" um, well. We should get to work then" Louisa mouthed dryly.

Yeah obviously. It didn't look like we had to strong of a voice in this matter at all.

" where do we start?" Landon seemed to sip air too.

" the place the police seem to gloss right over, the university of course!" 

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