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Once there was a little rat who always wanted to be an astronaut. His mother told him that if he worked hard enough he could do anything. That little rat spent every day at the space museum just watching and learning.

He had no friends cause he only wanted to talk about space and those cool astronaut dudes. He would go home every night and look at the stars and say, "Someday I will be up there away from all these bullies and go to where I truly belong."

Years pass by like seconds and the rat is now all grown up. He studied space science at college, got married, got a job at NASA, and is going up into space in 5 days! His life is going great. Or so he thought...

Today is the day of the big launch but the rat feels kind of... off. But he thinks it's just his excitement to finally live his dream. He is climbing up the ramp, getting in the spaceship, and is about to sit down but... can't breathe.

They rush the rat out of the ship, down the ramp, and to the hospital. He is then told that he needs to be put on oxygen and can not go into space.

The rat is devastated. But while they are at the hospital his wife is told she is pregnant. "Great!" the rat said. "He can go to space and live out my dream. He is my own flesh and blood so it'll be like I am going. "Our child should not be forced to be an astronaut." His wife warned. "Of course. You're right." The rat agreed, knowing he will force the child to be one of those cool astronaut dudes.

Months later

"The babies coming!"

The hospital doors push open and the rats wife is immediately sent to the delivery room. A few hours later, their child was born. "Let me see my little astron- I mean rat." He looked into his childs eyes for the first time he knew that his child would do great things. Astronaut or not.

Well, that child is me. I decided to be an astronaut and live out my father's dream. But I will keep it a surprise just in case I don't get in. I don't want to disappoint my father. So I did what my father did. I studied space science at college, got a job at NASA, and am going up in space tomorrow! But first, I must tell my father.

"Father?" "Yes?" Here it goes. "I- I'm going into space tomorrow... like you always wanted!" Father got up from his chair, smiled, and started crying tears of joy as he said, "I am so proud of you son." We hugged and both started to cry because we will not be able to see each other for a very long time.


Today is the day of the big launch. I climbed up the ramp, got in the spaceship, and sat down! "Three..." "I LOVE YOU SON!" My Father yells from the ground. "Two..." "I LOV-" "One. Blast off." "I love you too, father," I say sadly as I went up into space knowing I will not see my dad in exactly 5 years. I start to cry then gasp when my tears lift off my face and into the air. "I'm a space rat now."

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