Freeing Noah Rat

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I continued to look around and I saw a creepy-looking rat hiding in the tree-line. There's another rat on this island?! I started to walk towards him but he noticed and ran away. I started running too. This island is really weird and I want know more. I also want to know why that rat is here.

I'm right behind him. He kept looking behind, hoping to lose me but I wouldn't stop running. I have questions and I need answers.

When he finally stops, he stops at the path in front of the volcano. "What are you doing? Why are you a rat and not a raccoon? Why were you watching the village?" I ask, slightly out of breath.

"Why should I tell you? You don't need to know my business." "Please. I want to know something because nothing in my life is making sense at the moment. You see, Once there was a little rat who always wa-" "I am trying to free Noah, I was making sure no one was coming to the cave so that I can, and I don't know why I'm a rat. I was just born this way. Now please. Don't tell me your backstory. I hate backstories."

I look at the creepy rat. He is gray, had missing patches of fur here and there, and his tail was gone. It looks like he had a knife tucked in his fur too.

"Why are you staring a me like that?" "Sorry. I didn't mean t-... Why are you freeing Noah? I heard that he's mad." I ask. "Yeah...That's why I need him." "Why?" "UGH! You ask a lot of questions."
He starts to walk away but I follow him. "Please tell me! I won't tell anyone I swear!" He lets out an aggravated groan. I guess I'll have to use my secret weapon. I take a deep breath. "-nted to be an astronaut. His mother told him that if he worked hard enough he could do anythi-" "FINE!" He turns around and leans in close to me. "I'm forming a gang of Rats called the Murder Rat gang."

Murder rat? I don't know why but I get the feeling that something led me here. I feel like I was supposed to meet this Rat. I can find out about the whole psychic thing later on. I'm supposed to be a Murder Rat.

"I'll join," I say. "I didn't ask if you wanted to. I don't even know if you can murder." He said. "I can. Please just give me a chance. You see, NASA never told me that my dad was sick so I never got to visit him before he-" "STOP! I get it!" He sighs. "I guess you can join." He says defeatedly.

YES! "You can now call me Murder Rat." I say with confidence. "Okay..." He side-eyes me. "I'm Mickey." Just Mickey? Okay.

"Let's go free Noah." Mickey says. I nod. I'm kind of nervous to meet Noah. That guy on the island said that he's crazy. I take a deep breath and follow Mickey on the path that leads to the cave. There are many statues of Daveed on the way. "Did Noah make all of these?" I ask. "Yes. Now shut up."

We walk a little further then we finally reach it. Noah's cave. "Stand back." Mickey says as he takes a handful of explosives and sits them in front of the cave. "STAND BACK NOAH! WE HAVE COME TO GET YOU!" Mickey yells. "DAVEED? IS THAT YOU!?" Noah yells back. Mickey shakes his head and lights the explosives.

BOOM! There is dust everywhere. But when it finally clears we see Noah. "Daveed?! Wait... You're not Daveed." Noah is a small rat with light brown fur and a Daveed tattoo. (Don't ask how that works)

"No... but we were hoping that you would join our gang." Mickey says. "Our Murder Rat gang." I say. "You can call me-" "Stupid. And I'm Mickey. I'm a big fan of your work." "My Daveed statues? Yes they are a big hit." Noah says. "No. When you killed all those people in your village years ago."
I'm sorry... What?!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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