Psychic Rat

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I sat there in shock staring at Jacques Snicket. The man who just asked if I was psychic. I'm shocked. "I don't know."

"Well, you just helped save hundreds of people so for that, you can go free." I sit there for a second just looking at Jacques. I went insane and he's letting me go? Why is he acting like he cares about me? Does he really care?

"Thank you." I get up and start to walk out the door then turn to Jacques and ask, "Do you really think I'm psychic?" "Yes, I do. If you want to get answers, just give me a call." He says as he hands me a card with an eye on it. "Goodbye," I say. "Goodbye Psychic Rat."


I get home in about 30 minutes and get attacked with hugs by my mother or "Mother rat" as I call her. "Mother rat. You're killing me." I yell. Wishing that I would have rethought my words.

"Sorry. I've just missed you so much. So... are you okay?" she asks. Am I? I don't even know anymore. My father died, I went psycho, and now I may be psychic. "Yes," I say to ease her concerns. "Great! Well, I'm going to go make your favorite. Nuts covered in peanut butter!" She says as she dances in the kitchen.

So I sit there alone in the living room thinking about everything that has happened. I think about my father and all the good times we had together, of killing Amanda and Count Olaf - or not killing them - and lastly thinking of Jacques Snicket. I think of how nice he was to me and how good he looked in that professional tie. 

I can't take this. I get up and walk over to the phone. I pulled out Jacques card and called him. "Jacques. It's me... Psychic Rat."


Jacques told me to meet him at briny beach. I don't know why he wants to meet there. It's dark, grim, and not pleasant. But I have to know the truth about my ability so I get a ride on the rickety trolley to briny beach.

I see him standing there on the phone with someone. "Hey, Jacques." "Oh. Goodbye. Have a nice day." He hangs up the phone. "Hello, psychic rat. Are you ready?" "Ready for what?" I ask. He pointed towards the water to reveal a giant submarine! And it looked exactly like an octopus.

"Where are we going?" I ask. He looks at me with a smirk and says, "Anwhistle Aquatics." He says. Then he starts to walk toward the gigantic submarine. "What is that place?" I ask. "I'll explain everything once we get inside."

We start to climb down inside. I look around and see a lot of different paths. It looks like someone could get lost here and not just because of the many different paths but also because it is extremely dark.

As if reading my thoughts, Jacques pulls out a flashlight and the two of us start our walk through this maze of darkness. We walked past a wine room, the control room, and a room that almost looks like a dungeon. I start to touch the handle when Jacques pulls me away. "No!" We're so close to eachother that his face is right infront of mine. He pulls away and nervously adjusts his tie. "There is a deadly poison in that room. Don't go in there." I nod and we continue our walk.

In the hallway, I tripped over what looks like a fairy princess veterinarian costume. Interesting.

After what felt like hours of walking we got to a room with just a single table. Jacques tells me to sit down with him so he can explain. The table is filled with chairs but I pick the one right beside of him... So I can listen better.

"I'm friends with a scientist and he said that he would do a few tests on you to see if you are ,in fact, a psychic." "Okay. So you said something about Anwhistle Aquatics. What is that?" I asked. "It was a marine research center." "Was?" "Yes. Years ago it was burned down so it will be the perfect place to run the tests. Only if you still want to. I won't force you, Neil."

Hearing him call me Neil sent a shiver down my spine. I didn't want to be Neil. "I want to be Psychic rat!" I accidentally said out loud. "Ok then. I'll set a course for Anwhistle Aquatics." Jacques said as he left. I sat there once again alone with my thoughts.

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