Test Rat

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We finally come to a stop. I quickly run around the halls trying desperately to find the way out. When I finally find the exit, Jacques is already there waiting for me.

"Hello, Psychic Rat. Are you ready?" "Yes I am." I say with confidence. I'm not confident. I'm actually really nervous but fake it til you make it I guess.

We get out and step out onto the rocky shore. I look up in amazement at the burnt down research center above. "How are we going to get up there?" I ask. "Well, there are two ways both are equally dangerous." That definitely does not help my nerves.

"What are our options?" "We could use my grappling hooks or we could go through the cave." "What's dangerous about the cave?" "The medusoid mycelium." He said with stern ominous words. "Medusoid mycelium?" "It's the most poisonous mushroom there is. It's the same thing that was in that room of the submarine. If you breathe in the  spores... " He stopped there but I knew what he meant. "It's okay Jacques." I say as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you." He said as he put his hand on mine. "A lot of good people died because of it."

"We'll use the grappling hooks," I said trying to be brave like Jacques. "Okay." He said as he pulled the grappling hooks out of his bag. We shot the grappling hooks up into the air and they hooked onto a pair of rocks up above. Jacques clicked a button and he rose into the air. He looks so graceful.

I do the same thing and together we got to the top. "Wow. You did a great job. Usually, people aren't that advanced their first time." "Thanks."

We walk into the burned-down research center and see Jacques friend. For some reason, I want to be extra polite and impress Jacques and his friend. "Hello, I'm psychic rat. It's a pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Jacques is a friend of mine." I say. "Hello, My name is Sham. Please step into that box."

I look at the box. It's a  see-through box with a lot of tubes sticking out of it. "Um..." I say as I look at Jacques. He nodds. "Okay." I step into the box and Sham comes in to put a helmet on me and hook me up into a chair that sits in the very center of the box. He leaves and switches the machine on.

"Ow. That... kinda hurts," I say. "Sham, could you turn the power down a little?" Jacques asks. Sham turned it up. "AHHHHHH!" I scream in pain.

"Sham! Turn it down!" "NO! What if he turns to the other side? Imagine what they could do with that power!" Sham says. "He won't! Just turn it off!" "AHHHHHHHHHHH." I scream again. "You're killing him!" "Exactly!"

The machine shakes and smoke starts to come out. "It's gonna blow!" Jacques yells. Jacques runs and opens the door to the box, quickly unhooks me, and we both run outside. "I have to go get Sham so I can take him back to the organization. I'm sorry I brought you here Neil." He said looking right in my eyes. Then he turned to go.

"Jacques," I say as I grab Jacques's arm and turn him around. "I love you." I blurt out. I don't know what powered me to do so but being with Jacques gives me strength. It also may have been the near death experience. "I-" Just then there was a loud noise followed by a large cloud of smoke.

Jacques pushed me off the edge and I fell 20 feet down into a raft. I could barely hear what he said but I think I heard him and maybe what I want to have heard, "Goodbye Psychic rat. (I love you too)" Then just like that, the building exploded -again- and Jacques Snickett... died.

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