Space Rat🌕🐀

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Beep beep "Space rat. Are you there, space rat?" A female voice asks. "Yes, I am here and ready for my assignment!" "Good. Now your first assignment is to plant the American flag that's on your ship, on the moon. We need to plant our flag there before Possums beat us to it! We have been told that the possums want to claim the moon!" The possums are our greatest enemy. "I won't let that happen, ma'am!" I say with pride. "Make us proud space rat." I run over to set a course for the moon. Then I start to think of my father. "I will do this and make my father proud," I say.

                          About 3 days later

I gasp. "I see the moon." It is so beautiful. It looks like someone rolled a bunch of swiss cheese into a ball. It looks so... so... amazing. My father would love this.

"Right here seems like a good spot to land," I say as I land the spaceship carefully onto the moon. I put on my space suit and get out of the ship.

"Wooooowww. This is amazing." I start to walk around trying to find a good spot for the flag but then I see something. "What's that?" I ask myself. It's a possum! "No!" He came to put his flag on the moon. If they get the moon, who knows what will happen! And I can't disappoint my father!"

I begin running towards the possum and the possum starts hissing. "You must be here to put your flag on the moon." The possum said. It looks like the possum has made his own flag. It looks like it's mostly made from cardboard boxes, ripped cloth, and some possum fur. "I am. And I'm not gonna let you put your possum flag here!" I try to kick the possum but he pinned me to the ground. "You think that you're going to put your flag on the moon? HA! I am claiming the moon for all possums!"

"You're just a rat. You can't be an astronaut." He said. "I'm not just a rat... I'M A SPACE RAT!" I then jump up and kick the possum in the face. Then I start to run over frantically looking for a good spot to put the American Flag. "Oh no, you don't, Rat!" The possum said as he tackled me. "I told you. I'm. A. SPACE RAT!" I yell as I push the possum away.

I must have pushed him really hard because the possum then floated away into space. I wave goodbye, pick up the flag, and place it right where I am. I can almost hear my father saying, "You have made me proud son."

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