Regular Rat

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4 years and 362 days later

I am now finishing my last mission! I am repairing the satellite. "My father loves tv so he will definitely be proud of me for this." I say as I get back to the ship. "Space rat. Are you there, Space rat?" The female voice asks. "Yes, I am here." "Nice work Space rat! You can now set a course to come back home!" The voice says as they sign off. "Finally! I get to see my father again!" I say as I immediately run over to set a course for home.

                             One day later

The ship is now landing! AHHHHHHHH! "Welcome back space rat! Wait, no you're not a Space rat anymore. You're a regular rat." "Yeah. Haha. I'm happy to be back!" I say as I start to head home.


"I'm home!" I say. "Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you're back!¨ Mother says as she hugs me tight. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "Where's father?" I ask anxiously. I can't wait to see him. With a sigh mother says, "I'm so sorry sweetie but while you were gone your father grew really sick... Your father died 2 years ago."

Just like that, my heart shattered. "Wha- What?" "I'm sorry. I know how close you were with your father." Mother says as she tries to hug me. "No." I dodge her hug. "Why didn't NASA tell me? I could have come back and seen him one last time!" "Oh, sweetie. Come here. Don't worry about that." "No! I need to know why they made me stay in space thinking that my father was proud of me and that I would get to see him when I'm back. Everything I did up there, I did for him!" I say with tears in my eyes as I run out the door. "I will get revenge on them. I will make them pay."


I am now standing outside NASA. Watching and waiting for a good opportunity to get in and get the job done. It's almost closing time and only one person is still there. Amanda. The woman that has been giving me assignments. AKA the boring secretary. She should have told me that my father died.

I walked through the halls and into her office. "Oh hi, regular rat. What are you doing here?" She asked with a stupid smile. "Why didn't you tell me that my father died." "Oh is this what this is about? Well, Regular rat, we didn't want to distract you," she said. "You are the reason I didn't get to say goodbye to my father," I say as I step closer. "You're the reason I have to do this," I say as I pull out a knife.

"Regular Rat no! Please!" She yelled. She got up and ran out of the room. I start chasing her down the halls until she trips. "This is for my father." I started stabbing her. Over and over until I knew she was dead. "It's Murder rat now." I look down at her corpse and know that I did the right thing. "You made me proud son." I hear my dad say.

I smile.

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