Psycho Rat

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I wake up in a strange room with cushions all over the walls. I try to look for a door but I couldn't find one. Wait! I heard of this place. This place is called a psych ward. Why am I here? "WHY AM I HERE?!"

All of a sudden a place in the wall opened and I saw a rat standing there. He looked really professional. He had a tie and that obviously means he is professional. Then two large rats came in and started dragging me into what looked like an interrogation room.

"Why am I here?!" I yelled as they strapped my into a chair. I try to get out but it's no use. "Don't be afraid I'm just here to ask you some questions." The rat from before said calmly. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Jacques Snickett. I want to know the last thing you remember." While im searching in my mind for my memories, I study Jacques Snicket. He is a black rat thats tall but not too tall and he - as I said before - is wearing a tie.

"I remember killing Count Olaf for revenge." I said. "You didn't kill Count Olaf." He said. "No... I know I did." I said in disbelief. He looks down then looks back up at me with a serious expression. "I know you didn't because... I killed Count Olaf."

"But I remember killing him. I watched his life leave his eyes. I listened for his heart to stop. He was drenched in blood that I spilled. I know I killed him." I said. "But Neil..." "IT'S MURDER RAT!" I yelled.

"Murder rat... you imagined all of it. After you found out your father died you went... psycho." He explained.

Psycho? Did I really go, psycho? Wait. "You killed Count Olaf? Why?" I asked. "Because he is a criminal. He has been working with a crazy doctor to mind control people using tea. We haven't found the doctor yet but we are on her trail. We think she betrayed him" He said.

"So I didn't kill the secretary or Count Olaf?"I asked. Jacques shook his head. "Wait what secretary? The files don't say that he has a secretary. What is her name?" He asks. "Amanda." "Amanda...That's the crazy doctor." He said. He didn't sound that excited but I could tell that he was.

"Do you know where she could be?" He asked. "Well, she lives on 158 AhHhHh avenue. She will probably be there." I said. "She will probably not be at her house since we are looking for her." He said. "She probably will. That road is blocked off. No one really knows about it." I said feeling pretty proud of myself. "Ok, I'll get my agents there to check it out. Thank you, Ne- Murder rat." He corrected himself.

"I must ask how did you know where she lives?" He asked. "When I was getting ready to kill Count Olaf, I had to look around his office to get his address. So when I was there I saw her address as well." I explained. "And I don't know how I knew about her road being blocked off. I just knew."

Jacques got a call from one of his agents. "Hello. Okay... Okay... That's great." He hung up and looked at me. "Murder rat... Are you a psychic?"

Rat Stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora