Island Rat

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I am now drifting at sea. Wondering when I will find food, water, or land. I keep thinking back to that moment when Jacques died. Tears start rolling down my Rat cheeks.

Did he say that he loved me back? Or did I just think he did? Am I psychic? I guess I'll never know since Sham tried to KILL ME!

I sigh. "What's wrong with you?" "My soulmate just died and I don't know if I'm crazy or psychic." "Well, Im sure you'll find someone else. Maybe a nice Rat girl who has a purple streak in her fur." "That was really specific... Are you a psychic?"

They pause for a few seconds then continues. "- and maybe someday you'll find out if your psychic." "...How do you know?" "I don't but I believe in you." "Thanks." I looked at who I was talking to. My hand. I am crazy.

Wait. What's that? I look over and see an island in the distance! "There's an Island! Do you see that hand?!" Wait. Am I hallucinating? I wait until we get closer to the island and I reach out and feel the sand. "It's an Island! We found an Island!" I get off the raft and run onto the island when an arrow is shot right in front of me. I pass out and fall onto the sand.


I wake up in the middle of a village with a bunch of raccoons bowing in front of a statue of Daveed Diggs, almost like he is their God.
(Just to clarify, I do not support worshiping false Gods. This is just for comedy.)
Ummm... that's kinda weird.

"Where am I?" I manage to ask. My head is killing me. The racoons keep bowing. Except one that walks over and whispers, "Daveed Island." "Oh okay... And what are they doing?" "They are worshiping our God. Daveed." After he says that all the racoons start chanting. "DAVEED! DAVEED! WE ALL PRAISE DAVEED!"

I look around me and see hundreds of huts. I notice one big hut and I ask, "What is that?" "It's a Daveed shrine that Noah made. We now use it as our worship house." He said. "Who's Noah?" "He is one of the people on this island. He is obsessed with Daveed but then started to worship another... That is not allowed and he went mad. We had to lock him up."

"Oh... Wait. Why did you all shoot an arrow at me?" "We thought you might have been a spy from the Lin tribe. We were just trying to scare you. Trust me. We never miss." He says ominously.

"You may stay here as long as you need but only if you answer this question correctly." "Okay..." "Who is your favorite character in "Hamilton"?" "Ummm... Jefferson?" All the raccoons start chanting again. "JEFFERSON! JEFFERSON! DAVEED WAS JEFFERSON! AND WE PRAISE DAVEED!" "Correct." He says as he walks away.

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