Murder Rat

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(This Chapter was written by one of my friends. Enjoy her writing.😁)

Walking past the secretary's corpse, I went to the head of Nasa's office.

I grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it, but it was locked. I swear under my breath. Then I remembered that the secretary that I just killed had a master key for every door. I quickly run back to the secretary and take her key.

Going back to the door, I unlock it. Stepping in, I saw tons of papers all across the Head of NASA's desk. "Time to look in his files." My plan is to look in the Head of NASA's files and get his home address. Looking at the filing cabinets, I see the letters j-p. "Perfect."

I flipped through the files and came across his name. "There you are, Count Olaf. Alright, let's see... Ah, 652, Depression Lane. Got it!" I then walked out of the office, got into my car, started up the engine, and got going.


I am two minutes from Count Olaf's house. I can feel the rage coursing through me. It's taking everything in me to not punch the car dash.


I arrived at Count Olaf's house at 11:36 PM. Time to give Count Olaf what he deserves. I grab my knife, put it in my bag, and walk up to Count Olaf's door. I ring the bell. After about 5 seconds, Count Olaf answered the door. "Well, hello, hello, hello, Regular Rat."
"It's mu-" I almost revealed my new name. "Nevermind. May I come in?" I ask.
"Of Course. I'll put on some tea."
Oh, you won't have time for tea.
Just death.

I sit down on Olaf's couch. "Be back in five, Regular Rat." As soon as Olaf left for the kitchen, I make my move. I grabbed a vase on his table, walked to the kitchen, and knock Count Olaf out. "Time to tie him up."

Once Olaf was tied up, I woke him up. He groans. "W-what...? Regular rat, what is the meaning of this?!" "Oh, shut up. I'm the one asking the questions. Why didn't you tell me about my father?" "Because we didn't want to distract you from your mission, Regular Rat."
"Not. A. Good. Reason!" I yell.

It's time. I must get my revenge.

I grab my knife and hold it to Olaf's neck. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't just kill you right here, right now," I ask.
"Your father wouldn't be proud of this."
That just made me madder. I start getting angry tears in my eyes. I start to stab him. "MY FATHER IS PROUD OF ME! MY FATHER IS PROUD OF ME! MY FATHER IS PROUD OF ME!" I say over and over while I stab him at each sentence.

I stand back and look at his body fully drenched in blood.

My father is proud of me.

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