Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot

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Title: Pilot

Act 1:

The episode begins with a young couple, Mary and John Winchester, putting their baby, Sam, to bed. They kiss goodnight and go to sleep. Later that night, Mary hears a noise and goes to check it out. She sees a figure in the darkness and screams. John wakes up and rushes to her aid, but it's too late. Mary is killed by an unknown force.

22 years later, Sam is in college and has distanced himself from his family and their hunting lifestyle. He is living with his girlfriend, Jessica, and planning to attend law school. One night, he receives a call from his older brother, Dean, who he hasn't seen in years. Dean tells Sam that their father, who is also a hunter, has gone missing while on a hunt. Sam is reluctant to help, but Dean convinces him to come along.

Act 2:

Sam and Dean arrive in Jericho, California, where their father was last seen. They investigate a series of mysterious deaths that have occurred in the area. They discover that the deaths are connected to a woman in white who haunts a nearby bridge. The woman was a spirit who was killed by her husband after he discovered she was having an affair. She now seeks revenge on unfaithful men.

Sam and Dean attempt to destroy the woman's spirit, but she is too powerful. They are forced to retreat and plan their next move. Sam begins to have visions of his mother's death and discovers that the woman in white is connected to her murder.

Act 3:

Sam and Dean return to the bridge and confront the woman in white. They use a silver knife to kill her and put her spirit to rest. Sam is still shaken by his visions and decides to join Dean on the road as a hunter. He tells Jessica that he can't continue his normal life and breaks up with her.

The episode ends with Sam and Dean driving off into the night, ready to face whatever supernatural threats come their way next.

The screen fades to black and the words "Supernatural" appear on the screen.

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