Season 1 Episode 19 - Provenance

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Title: Provenance

Act 1:

The episode opens with Sam and Dean investigating a haunted painting that is causing strange and deadly events to occur wherever it is displayed. They discover that the painting is cursed and that anyone who owns it is doomed to suffer a terrible fate.

Act 2:

Sam and Dean investigate the history of the painting and learn that it was created by a troubled artist who was obsessed with the occult. They discover that the painting is imbued with dark magic and that it is capable of possessing anyone who comes into contact with it.

Act 3:

Sam and Dean try to find a way to destroy the painting and break the curse, but they are running out of time. The painting is becoming more powerful, and it's only a matter of time before it claims another victim.

In the end, Sam and Dean are able to destroy the painting by using a special ritual that banishes the dark magic from it. They reflect on the tragedy of the artist's life and the dangers of dabbling in the occult.

The episode ends with Sam and Dean driving away from the scene. They know that there are many more supernatural threats out there, and they must continue to fight to protect the innocent.

The screen fades to black and the words "Supernatural" appear on the screen.

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