Season 1 Episode 14 - Nightmare

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Title: Nightmare

Act 1:

The episode opens with Sam having a series of terrifying nightmares. In his dreams, he sees people dying in gruesome ways. He wakes up in a cold sweat and tells Dean about his dreams. Dean dismisses them as just dreams and tells Sam to get some rest.

Sam can't shake the feeling that there is something more to his nightmares, and he decides to investigate. He discovers that the people he saw dying in his dreams are actually real people who have died in the same way as in his dreams.

Act 2:

Sam and Dean investigate the deaths and discover that they are all connected to a man named Max Miller. Max has the ability to enter people's dreams and control them. He is using this power to make people kill themselves in their sleep.

Sam and Dean track down Max and confront him. They learn that Max's father had the same ability, but he was driven insane by it and killed himself. Max is afraid that he will end up the same way.

Act 3:

Sam and Dean try to help Max control his powers, but they soon realize that it's too late. Max has already been pushed to the brink of insanity, and he is using his powers to try to kill himself.

In the end, Sam and Dean are forced to kill Max to stop him from hurting anyone else. They reflect on the tragedy of Max's life and the dangers of having supernatural powers.

The episode ends with Sam and Dean driving away from the scene. Sam is still shaken by his nightmares, but he knows that he has to keep fighting the supernatural forces that threaten the world. The screen fades to black and the words "Supernatural" appear on the screen.

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