Season 1 Episode 5 - Bloody Mary

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Title: Bloody Mary

Act 1:

The episode opens with a young woman named Lily being killed in front of a mirror. Her death is ruled a suicide, but her brother, Charlie, believes that something supernatural is responsible. He contacts Sam and Dean for help.

Sam and Dean investigate and discover that Lily's death is linked to the legend of Bloody Mary, a ghost that is said to appear when someone says her name three times in front of a mirror. They learn that Lily said Bloody Mary's name three times before she died.

Act 2:

Sam and Dean discover that the legend of Bloody Mary is based on a real ghost that was once a young woman named Mary Worthington. Mary was accused of witchcraft and was burned at the stake. Her spirit now haunts mirrors, seeking revenge on those who wronged her.

As they continue their investigation, Sam and Dean encounter a young girl named Donna who is being haunted by Bloody Mary. They realize that Donna is in danger and decide to protect her. They also discover that Mary is targeting people who have secrets that they are keeping from others.

Act 3:

Sam and Dean and Donna try to find a way to defeat Bloody Mary. They discover that Mary can be trapped in a mirror, but they need to find a way to lure her into it. They also learn that Mary can be weakened by revealing the secrets that she is using to torment her victims.

They come up with a plan to trap Mary in a mirror by using Donna as bait. They lure Mary into a room with a mirror and reveal Donna's secret, causing Mary to weaken. They then trap Mary in the mirror, breaking the curse and destroying the ghost.

As they leave the house, Sam and Dean discuss the events of the case. Sam reflects on the fact that there are many different types of ghosts and spirits in the world, and that they all have their own stories and motivations. Dean, on the other hand, remains focused on their mission to protect people from the supernatural, no matter what.

The episode ends with a shot of the mirror in which Mary was trapped, in which we briefly see her face before the screen fades to black and the words "Supernatural" appear on the screen.

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