Season 1 Episode 3 - Dead In The Water

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Title: Dead in the Water

Act 1:

Sam and Dean receive a call from a sheriff in Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin, who reports a series of drownings in the lake. The brothers arrive at the lake and begin their investigation. They discover that the drownings are connected to a vengeful spirit that is haunting the lake.

Sam and Dean meet up with the local sheriff and a marine biologist who is studying the lake. They learn that the spirit is the ghost of a young boy who drowned in the lake years ago and is now seeking revenge on the town that failed to save him.

Act 2:

Sam and Dean and the other hunters search the lake for the ghost. They come across a cabin and discover that the ghost is living inside. They plan to lure the ghost out and destroy it, but their plan goes awry when the ghost attacks them.

The hunters are forced to retreat to the shore, where they discover that the ghost has cut off their escape by creating a wall of water around them. They realize that they must fight the ghost and come up with a plan to break the curse.

Act 3:

Sam and Dean and the other hunters set a trap for the ghost using a piece of the boy's clothing and a bottle of holy water. They lure the ghost out of the lake and into the open, where they douse it with the holy water, causing it to disappear.

The hunters break the curse and the drownings stop. The marine biologist thanks Sam and Dean for their help and gives them a lead on a possible supernatural artifact that their father may be searching for. The brothers continue their search for their father, knowing that they will face many more supernatural threats along the way.

The screen fades to black and the words "Supernatural" appear on the screen.

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