Season 1 Episode 6 - Skinwalker

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Title: Skinwalker

Act 1:

The episode opens with a man being attacked and killed by a creature that appears to be a wolf. Sam and Dean investigate and discover that the creature is actually a skinwalker, a type of shapeshifter that can take on the form of any animal or person.

They learn that the skinwalker is targeting people who have a connection to a Native American reservation in the area. They also discover that the skinwalker has taken on the form of a police officer, allowing it to move around freely without suspicion.

Act 2:

Sam and Dean go undercover on the reservation to try and find the skinwalker. They meet a young woman named Emily who is being targeted by the skinwalker. They also learn that the skinwalker is using its abilities to steal from people and commit other crimes.

As they continue their investigation, Sam and Dean encounter a group of Native Americans who are suspicious of them. They learn that the skinwalker is a taboo subject in their culture, and that they are hesitant to talk about it with outsiders.

Act 3:

Sam and Dean and Emily try to find a way to defeat the skinwalker. They discover that the skinwalker can be killed with silver, but they need to find a way to get close enough to it to use the silver.

They come up with a plan to lure the skinwalker into a trap by using Emily as bait. They set up a fake drug deal and wait for the skinwalker to arrive. When it does, they are able to get close enough to it to use the silver, killing it and breaking the curse.

As they leave the reservation, Sam and Dean discuss the events of the case. Sam reflects on the fact that there are many different types of supernatural creatures in the world, and that they all have their own motivations and agendas. Dean, on the other hand, remains focused on their mission to protect people from the supernatural, no matter what.

The episode ends with a shot of the skinwalker's body, in which we briefly see it revert to its human form before the screen fades to black and the words "Supernatural" appear on the screen.

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