Season 1 Episode 15 - The Benders

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Title: The Benders

Act 1:

The episode opens with Sam and Dean investigating a case of a missing woman in Hibbing, Minnesota. They discover that the woman was taken by a family of hunters who are not what they seem.

Act 2:

Sam and Dean investigate the family, known as the Benders, and discover that they are a family of cannibals who hunt humans for sport. The Benders capture Dean, and Sam is forced to work with a local sheriff to rescue him.

Act 3:

Sam and the sheriff track down the Benders' hideout and rescue Dean. They confront the Benders, and a violent fight ensues. In the end, Sam and Dean kill the Benders and escape with their lives.

The episode ends with Sam and Dean reflecting on the horrors they have witnessed and the dangers of the supernatural world. They know that there are many more threats out there, and they must continue to fight to protect the innocent.

The screen fades to black and the words "Supernatural" appear on the screen.

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