Crawling Back To You Part 2

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Plague: *keeps hugging him*

Ben: *stares at the guys* u-um... I-I can explain.

Jeff: You don't need too. We heard enough. SLENNNDDDYY!!

Slender: What? I'm like right here!

Jeff: Ik i just like screaming c:

Slender: -_-"

Jeff: What are you gonna do with Ben now? *Crosses arms*


E.j: Bruh, Are you stupid? No, he should be gone from the Slender Mansion and never return!

Plague: That's low, E.j! o-o

Slender: Hmm... Yes! Excellent idea! We'll have the wedding then they can leave like Arlene and Jesse. *claps hands together*

Ben: Thank you, Slender! ^-^ *sighs in relief*

Plague: That's great, Slender! :3 We can have time to plan on where we're gonna live, Ben! Just the two of us! ^-^ *kisses cheek*

Ben: *smiles back* yeah! :3

Masky: Slender... Does stupid run in your family?

Slender: *looks at Offender who's licking Splendor's hat and hugging Trender* Apparently yes. *Sighs*

*Timeskip to le Wedding Day*

Ben: *smiles waiting patiently*

Slender: You sure about this, Ben?

Ben: *nods smiling* Don't worry, Got everything under control!

Plague: *walks down the aisle and smiles*

Ben: 'Damn, she looks beautiful!' *Grins taking her by the hand*

Slender: We are gathered here today to get these two lovebirds married! If there's anyone who objects, Speak or forever hold your peace!

Crowd: *silence*

Ben: *gulps and looks at the crowd finding me walking away* I object!

Everyone: *gasps*

Plague: *eyes widen*

Ben: Scarlett...

Me: *looks at him* What do you want from me? You have the girl of your dreams standing next to you. It's obvious that you don't care about me or the fact that your son- *holds in tears* loves you dearly..

Ben: Scar... *falls to knees* I'm sorry.. No matter how many times you forgived me for the most stupidest reasons, Ik you shouldn't deserve me.. You deserve someone better and that loves you so much. Someone who will take care of you and Blake.. I'm a fuck up. All I do is get easily distracted by one girl and then I end up breaking your heart... You should hate me for doing this to you. I feel like my heart breaks in half and you're the missing piece to it. Scarlett, I love you so much but you can't be with me because I'm afraid of breaking your heart again and again. It's hard to find someone like you cause there's no one out there that's just like you.. Scarlett, I'm sorry for everything! *blood drips down cheeks*

Plague: Ben.. Go to her. She is the love of your life and you have a kid who's family is drifting apart.


Plague: *rolls eyes* I'm sure your kid doesn't want to see this.. Just go, Ben! Bye.. *disappears*

Ben: W-What?

Me: *Sighs* Guess I have no choice.. *runs up to him and tackles him in a hug*

Ben: S-Scarlett.. *sniffs* Why?

Me: Even tho we have our ups and downs, we always end up going back to each other in the end. *Smiles* Don't cry anymore..

Ben: I love you, Scarlett.. *hugz back*

Me: I love you too, Ben! *Chuckles*

Crowd: *cheers and claps*

Slender: Soo um.. Is there a wedding going on still?

Ben: Yes.. Scarlett, will you marry me?

Me: Yes, Ben! I will, been waiting forever to hear that from you. *Laughs*

Slender: *smiles* Do you, Scarlett Dreamkiller, take Ben Drowned to be your husband?

Me: I do.

Slender: Do you, Ben Drowned, take Scarlett Dreamkiller to be your wife?

Ben: I do. *Smiles*

Slender: You may now kiss the bride-

Jane: But first


Crowd: *gathers up and Rachel presses le button on ze Selfie stick*

Me: *laughs* Wasn't expecting this but it was fun while it lasted!

Ben: Yeah *laughs*

Blake: Are we gonna live like a normal family now? *Smiles*

Ben: *picks him up* Yes, from now on, I promise to not break your heart again.

Me: Promise?

Ben: Promise.

Blake: Yay :D *chuckles and plays with Sally*

Ben: Missing something?

Me: Hm?

Ben: *kisses her passionately*

Me: I miss this.. *kisses again*

Ben: I do too.

Drake, Zinny, Blake & Yamio: GET A ROOM, YOU TWO! XD

Me: *Flips them off*

Phew that took long! Hope you enjoyed! If you want to be in the book, Sorry but I'm not adding anymore peeps. Ik i haven't been adding the peeps from the last few chappies but that's cause I keep losing count. Ok? Ok. And sadly, this book might come to an end. Sad I know but that's because I'm not really into Creepypasta anymore. Hate me all you want but it's not my fault. Don't really find it interesting anymore. Next update might be the last one. Idk yet but whatever. Ok bye ^-^ Thank you for reading, voting, etc., it really means a lot to me!

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